N A C H H A LT I G U N D D I G I TA L P E R S P E K T I V E N F Ü R D I E Z U K U N F T www messe essen de other fundamental aspect is communication in order to clarify at registration whether par ticipants have any additional requirements All participants in the discussion agreed that according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities full and effective inclusion is a human right and ac cessibility is the way to achieve it Conse quently the question in the events industry is no longer whether accessibility can be achieved but how it can be achieved On ly three percent of all disabilities are there at birth Accessibility is therefore of interest to everyone The Locations Talk guests agreed that while accessibility is only essential for some participants it nevertheless still repre sents an improvement for others www messefrankfurt com PB FOCUS Locations Talk der Messe Frankfurt Michael Biwer im Gespräch mit Kerstin Hoffmann Wagner l und Dagmar Krutzki Locations Talk at Messe Frankfurt Michael Biwer in conversation with Kerstin Hoffmann Wagner l and Dagmar Krutzki Ph ot o M es se F ra nk fu rt
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