Es ist die erste Ausgabe der Medical Fair Thailand seit 2019 Ihre Ausstellungsfläche war bereits Monate vor Beginn ausgebucht Und es gibt Neuzugänge bei der Messe Düs seldorf Asia Die Debütausgaben von Gifa und Metec Indonesia schließen demnächst an die Gifa und Metec Southeast Asia in Thailand an Letztere wurden erstmalig im vergangenen Herbst durchgeführt Der Schwerpunkt dieser Messen liegt auf Gieße reitechnologie und Metallurgielösungen mda messe dusseldorf com PB In Vietnam Indonesia Thailand and the Philippines After the pandemic the exhibition busi ness is now seeing a more concentrated fo cus on enhancing relationships and engage ment with stakeholders Technology is lever aged where possible not so much for hy brid formats but rather for optimising the trade fair experience with better business matching opportunities for example The pandemic has also highlighted the need for greater adaptability in the exhibition indus try says Gernot Ringling There is a greater focus on sustainability and environmental considerations The industry seeks to re duce its carbon footprint and enhance its so cial impact he adds Despite these chal lenges MDA believes in the immense growth potential of the exhibition business in South East Asia as the region continues to attract investments and develop its infrastructure and industries The MICE sector plays a crucial role in supporting economic recovery and promot ing cross border collaborations emphasises Ringling He singles out the MDA events Medical Fair Asia in Singapore und Medical Fair Thailand We have witnessed signifi cant growth in our medical and healthcare portfolio The Thai edition of Medical Fair will take place in Bangkok from 13 to 15 September It is the first staging of Medical Fair Thailand since 2019 Its show floor is already fully booked months ahead of the event And Messe Düsseldorf Asia has added new shows The debut editions of Gifa und Metec In donesia are soon to follow Gifa and Metec Southeast Asia in Thailand The latter two were launched last autumn The fo cus of these shows is on foundry and metallurgy solu tions mda messe dusseldorf com PB 74 TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2023 INTERNATIONAL T he recovery of the MICE industry in the region has been robust reports Gernot Ringling With events restart ing in the second half of last year adds the managing director of Messe Düssel dorf Asia MDA These events have been steadily picking up momentum ever since Since August 2022 MDA has been back on the in person trade fair circuit Since then it has staged more than ten events in South East Asia recently concluding the fourth edi tion of ProWine Singapore And twelve more trade fairs are scheduled from July to the end of the year Ringling looks ahead SOUTH EAST ASIA Fairs steadily picking up momentum South East Asia s MICE sector is returning to some sense of normalcy Organisers like Messe Düsseldorf Asia face a full programme Die vierte Ausgabe der ProWine Singa pore fand im April statt The fourth edition of ProWine Singapore took place in April Ph ot o M D A
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