SPIELRAUM FÜR DEN ERFOLG ALPIN URBAN ZUKUNFTSWEISEND cmi at Architektonisch einzigartig historisch eindrucksvoll und umgeben von hoch Innsbruck neue Spielräume für nachhaltig Sie vom international erprobten Know How eines hochprofessionellen Teams und drei inspirierenden Standorten in Innsbruck option of adding car number plates so that the cars are recognised when they pull up at the barrier at the car park entrance The Axess Ticket Frame or Ticket Kiosk system at the venue enables visitors to do a number of things buy tickets redeem voucher codes and pay for their parking place when they leave the event When tickets for the event are bought in advance any discounts can be applied It is also easy to pay at the exit barrier The sys tem keeps parking permissions and admis sion tickets clearly separate in its event re porting The main advantages for Axess cus tomers according to the company itself are that they can offer product packages through their sales channels the system simplifies configuration for them and they can use the hardware modules both for access control and the parking system www teamaxess com PB 45TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2023 INTERNATIONAL Axess ermöglicht die Integration der Park prozedur in das Ticketing und die Zugangskontrolle Axess enables the integra tion of parking in ticketing and access control Ph ot o A xe ss
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