und soll es ermöglichen zivilgesellschaft lichen Vertretern der HIV Bewegung aus aller Welt zu begegnen Dadurch können auch Debatten belebt werden wie Clemens Baumgärtner von der Stadt München hervorhebt Er ist Referent für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und hat sich bei der Aids Konferenz engagiert Umfeld Ver anstaltungsorte Infrastruktur und Kongres sindustrie schaffen perfekte Rahmenbedin gungen betont er Das Thema Aids mag in der Corona Pandemie in den Hintergrund ge rückt sein wägt Baumgärtner ab Umso wichtiger sei es den Blick wieder darauf zu richten und eine breite gesellschaftliche Dis kussion anzuregen Dazu biete der Kongress ein entsprechendes Forum Für die Messe München ist es jedenfalls ein großer Erfolg dass der weltweit rotierende Aids Kongress 2024 kommt Generell sei das Gastgeschäft des Bereichs Locations ein zweites solides Standbein mit dem das organische Wachs tum ebenfalls vorangetrieben werde www messe muenchen de PB Munich Munich is a high ranking centre of science and research with two elite universi ties Ludwig Maximilians Universität Mün chen LMU and the Technical University of Munich TUM Christoph Spinner of the TUM and Jo hannes Bogner of the LMU lent considerable support to Munich s efforts to win the event Both are renowned infectious disease and pandemic experts with many years of experi ence in the treatment of HIV Munich s measures to fight HIV have achieved out standing success says Christoph Spinner who will take on the role of local co chair at the conference We are looking forward to sharing our evidence based people first ap proach with the whole world Interest groups and Münchner Aids Hilfe a very ac tive AIDS support charity in Munich are also of considerable importance in the city s fight against AIDS The times when conferences were limit ed almost exclusively to a programme of pre sentations are long gone More is now ex pected in the international meetings industry The International AIDS Conference is no ex ception in addition to hosting the conference itself a platform for dialogue had to be pro vided in the city as a condition of staging the event Consequently the conference next year will be accompanied by a global vil lage at which those who are interested will be able to inform themselves about the con tent of the conference free of charge The idea is that representatives of the HIV move ment from all over the world will be able to come together there This will also enliven the debates as Clemens Baumgärtner points out Responsi ble for work and economic affairs at the Mu nich city authority he has shown great com mitment to the International AIDS Confer ence The surroundings venues infrastruc ture and convention industry are all ideal he emphasises AIDS may have faded into the background as an issue during the Covid pandemic admits Baumgärtner Conse quently he believes it is all the important to focus on it again now and stimulate discus sion of the issues right across civil society The conference offers a suitable forum for that Messe München can certainly count it as a great success that the International AIDS Conference is coming to the city in 2024 Guest events at Messe München s venues are a solid second cornerstone of the company s activities contributing significantly to organ ic growth www messe muenchen de PB 35 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2023 GERMANY Meetings benefit from the host city The 25th International AIDS Conference at which around 18 000 delegates are expected is coming to Munich in July 2024 The city itself not just the event infrastructure has an important role to play L eading scientists doctors health ex perts and activists from over 175 coun tries will be gathering in the Bavarian capital next year to discuss AIDS and innovative ways of containing HIV Messe München is well established as an event ven ue among international organisers of guest medical events and its decision makers see potential for growth in the conference busi ness We offer a state of the art convention centre with adjoining halls as well as a team with years of experience hosting major events of international standing stress Rein hard Pfeiffer and Stefan Rummel Messe München s joint managing directors More over clients benefit from Messe München s close working relationship with both the city authorities and the institutions based in Stefan Rummel l und Reinhard Pfeiffer freuen sich über Münchens Anziehungskraft bei großen Kongressen Stefan Rummel l and Reinhard Pfeiffer are delighted about Munich s pulling po wer for major con gresses Ph ot o M es se M ün ch en
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