I n mid January electric forklift trucks were used exclusively for intralogistics at Messe Augsburg for the first time These forklift trucks permit more sustainable transport at the trade fair centre Together with logistics partner BTG which operates worldwide Messe Augsburg chose the trade fair Jagen und Fischen 2023 as a pilot proj ect Messe Augsburg was thus one of the first trade fair venues to dispense with the diesel fuelled forklift trucks that are normally used Instead climate friendly equipment was used for internal logistics purposes at the event Together with its partners Messe Augs burg is also improving sustainability in other ways A new regional caterer Die Tafeldeck er has been working with Messe Augsburg since January The company uses local pro ducers many of which are located within a FOCUS 31TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2023 GERMANY Making judicious changes Messe Augsburg is heading step by step towards a sustainable future The company is introducing measures at its events that are bringing appreciable benefits burg Mit den kurzen Anlieferungswegen für die Lebensmittel werden darüber hinaus Emissionen eingespart und die Frische der Produkte ist gewährleistet Auch der Partner der Messe Augsburg im Reinigungsdienst blitzblank leistet einen Beitrag bei der nachhaltigen Veranstaltungs organisation Der Anbieter ist Mitglied im Umweltpakt Bayern und nach ISO 14001 MESSE OFFENBURG ORTENAU GMBH SCHUTTERWÄLDER STR 3 77656 OFFENBURG FON 49 0 781 9226 0 VERTRIEB MESSE OFFENBURG DE 179 000 M2 GESAMTGELÄNDE 29 000 M2 HALLENFLÄCHE 20 500 M2 UNTER EINEM DACH 52 400 M2 FREIGELÄNDE BIS 14 M LICHTE HÖHE BUSINESS MIT LEBENSQUALITÄT ZWISCHEN SCHWARZWALD ELSASS UND REBEN SERVICE IST UNSERE STÄRKE www messe offenburg de radius of 10 to 30 kilometres Not only does this strengthen producers in the region as the decision makers in Augsburg emphasise but the short distances involved mean that carbon emissions are cut and the freshness of the produce is guaranteed Messe Augsburg s cleaning partner blitzblank is also making a contribution to sustainable event organisation The company has signed up to Bavaria s environment and climate pact and is certified to ISO 14001 2015 Electric solutions are coming to bear here as well blitzblank only uses electric machines and devices at Messe Augsburg The company also has its own environmen tal protection officer who is constantly re viewing and improving its processes www messeaugsburg de PB 2015 zertifiziert Des Weiteren kommen hier ebenfalls E Anwendungen zum Tragen Auf dem Messegelände Augsburg setzt der Dienstleister ausschließlich Elektromaschi nen und Elektrogeräte ein Außerdem verfügt blitzblank über einen eigenen Umwelt schutzbeauftragten der Prozesse stetig über prüft und verbessert www messeaugs burg de PB The response has been positive Lorenz A Rau chief executive of Messe Augsburg on improving sus tainability at the trade fair centre What is driving you to chart the way step by step into a sustainable future There are a number of driving forces Our social responsibility to strive for a sustain able future is part of it as are our roots in the city of Augsburg Augsburg is making progress and the Blue City climate protec tion programme indicates how Augsburg is to become climate neutral Messe Augs burg sees itself as part of the city s commu nity and intends to make its own contribu tion to climate neutrality How have customers responded partic ularly exhibitors and guest event organ isers Our customers response to the direction we have taken so far has been very positive The changes for exhibitors and organisers are easy to explain As a result people gain con fidence in the measures we are taking Are there any green measures beyond those in intralogistics and catering Trade fair intralogistics with electric forklift trucks and regional catering are just two ex amples of a series of measures that we have already introduced Our cleaning company uses environmentally friendly cleaning products for instance Moreover we are also introducing photovoltaic systems and sig nificantly reducing not just our energy con sumption but also our water consumption and the volume of waste we produce

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 01/2023 Seite 31
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