haltigkeit hat die Messegesellschaft eine neue Organisationsstruktur etabliert Diese Struktur bündelt und koordiniert das Nachhaltigkeits management der Unternehmensgruppe ein schließlich der Tochterunternehmen Dadurch werden die Prozesse entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette kontinuier lich und kritisch hinterfragt um Möglichkei ten der Optimierung auszuloten Bereits 2021 hat die Leipziger Messe den Net Zero Car bon Events Pledge unterzeichnet Unterneh men und Organisationen verpflichten sich 19 FOCUS GERMANY Sustainability doesn t take care of itself Leipziger Messe again received Green Globe certification for sustainability in February The company aims to continue to lead the way on sustainability O n gaining its renewed Green Globe certification Leipziger Messe was awarded Platinum membership That is not something that happens auto matically Platinum status is conferred fol recognised in this way gives us great pleas ure says Martin Buhl Wagner the chief ex ecutive officer of Leipziger Messe It ac knowledges the efforts we make to take sus tainability into account in everything we do as a business After all sustainability is not something that takes care of itself Markus Geisenberger his co CEO adds The com plexity and varied nature of the event indus try presents us with many opportunities to implement sustainable ideas and make im provements In 2009 Leipziger Messe was the first large German trade fair company to receive Green Global certification and this has been renewed at regular intervals ever since Ap plicants are assessed on around 300 criteria covering social ecological and economic as pects of sustainability In 2018 Leipziger Messe gained Gold status in recognition of its certification at regular intervals and the con tinual improvements it had made in terms of sustainability And now it has achieved Plat inum status The company has established a new organisational structure with the aim of continuing to develop its sustainability strat egy This structure focuses and coordinates sustainability management for both the par ent company and its subsidiaries The processes along the entire value chain are continually assessed with a critical eye in order to identify where improvements can be made In 2021 Leipziger Messe signed the Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge Compa nies and organisations that sign the pledge make a commitment to reducing their CO2 emissions In alignment with the objectives of the city of Leipzig the group s activities will be carbon neutral by 2040 at the latest The first step is to use green energy exclusively from 2023 onwards A photovoltaic system will be installed on the roof next year and among the other improvements are a new energy efficient public address system www leipziger messe de PB Martin Buhl Wagner l und Markus Geisenberger sehen sich in ihrem Engagement für mehr Nachhaltigkeit bestätigt Martin Buhl Wagner l and Markus Geisenberger feel validated in their commitment to more sustainability Ph ot o L ei pz ig er M es se dazu konkrete Schritte zur Reduzierung ih rer CO2 Emissionen zu unternehmen Im Einklang mit den Zielsetzungen der Stadt Leipzig wird die Geschäftstätigkeit der Unter nehmensgruppe bis spätestens 2040 CO2 neutral ausgestaltet In einem ersten Schritt bezieht die Messe ab 2023 zu 100 Prozent Ökostrom Zudem ist nächstes Jahr die Er richtung einer Fotovoltaik Aufdachanlage ge plant Zu den Optimierungen gehört auch ei ne neue energiesparende Beschallungsanlage www leipziger messe de PB lowing a review of a Green Globe member s overall performance over the previous ten years The purpose of the review is to estab lish that continual efforts have been made over that period To see our commitment

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 01/2023 Seite 19
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