www messe essen de 2 5 J A H R E E R F O L G P A R T N E R S C H A F T K N O W H O W N E W S I N T E R N A T I O N A L I T Ä T Die MESSE ESSEN gratuliert zu 25 Jahren Trade Fairs International ceived in Dreieich near Frankfurt and later based in Darmstadt its first milestone fol lowed in early 2004 TFI was no longer just a medium but now also shared its name with a publishing company The Bavarian town of Starnberg where publisher Ursula Steffan and managing director Axel Thunig are based was chosen as its headquarters At the time the international exhibition industry and its medium had more than just the topic of global events in common The rise of the Internet was expected to spell the downfall both of physical trade fairs and print media But things turned out different ly The exhibition industry was about to ex perience an unprecedented boom worldwide Spectacular new venues were built especial ly in Asia And TFI magazine also grew thanks to international developments and managing director Axel Thunig s acquisition activities 2008 saw the next milestone of TFI s history The magazine designed by Ernst Becher received a new cover for its tenth anniversary in white instead of black With bulky issues full of ads and lots of edi eleven years later Covid 19 pulled the rug from under the exhibition industry s feet The effects of the pandemic are still be ing felt and global crises are not making the trade show business any easier It s hard to tell what the future will bring The attack on Ukraine and energy shortage have shown that things can change very rapidly What is con sidered safe today may lose relevance tomor row The global political situation climate change and artificial intelligence are major challenges But the glass is half full Who would have thought in 1998 that issue zero would become such a lasting success PB FOCUS torial input 2008 was to become the most successful year of TFI s history What fol lowed was the 2009 financial crisis which hit lots of media hard The next blow came TradeFairs 3 4 Mai 2008 www tfi publications com 49788 10 00 In te rn at io na l JUB ILÄ UM SAU SGA BE 10 JAH RE TFI Focus Messepolitik Was die Messeszene künftig braucht International Spanien Iberischer Sommer mit Öko und Expo Praxis Messebau Zulieferer Alles im grünen Bereich Focus Trade Fair Policy What the trade fair scene needs in future Inter na tional Spain Iberian summer with eco and Expo Prac tice Stand design suppliers Everything green DAS WIRTSCHAFTSMAGAZIN FÜR MESSEN UND MÄRKTE Neues Outfit zum Zehnjährigen Seit der Jubiläumsausgabe 2008 erscheinen wir mit weißem Cover Makeover for our tenth anniversary Since our anniversary edition in 2008 the cover has been white
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