A t its digital Locations Talk Messe Frankfurt addressed the question of how to host safe events Michael Bi wer vice president guest events and Dimitrios Donis corporate security manager talked about hazard factors and risk manage ment This is a rather ambivalent topic While attendees need to feel safe safety is a factor that should not necessarily be visible says Michael Biwer And which is often per ceived as a nuisance he refers to queues barriers or bag inspections He says that safe ty requires comprehensive expertise Biwer sees Messe Frankfurt as well equipped sin gling out its Operation Security Center which houses a central control centre corpo rate and event security fire protection and building control systems all under one roof Dimitrios Donis highlighted safety relat ed aspects Well in advance of an event or ganisers need to provide certain details such as the type and size of an event as well as its attendee structure including any celebrities or guests of state We can then create a plan based on these particulars Event topics are also important whether they are political in nature or have a high rel evance in social media We then recom mend appropriate security measures to our customers Donis describes Against the background of the available data his team carries out a risk assessment and presents it to the police fire department rescue servic es and the security service Only when these agencies give their consent can the event kick off In this context he has to point out the importance of a delicate touch to the authorities due to the fact that not every international customer knows the rules of the federal state of Hesse When it comes to safe events it s not just about responding to incidents demon strations or fire alarms As can be expected pandemic related issues have gained impor tance due to the latest developments At Messe Frankfurt this issue was already part of the emergency management system before Covid 19 We collaborate closely with Frankfurt Airport and have been working with an external medical expert for years reports Dimitrios Donis He advises us on what to do and on what is happening in the world health wise Speaking of advice Cus tomers are not left to fend for themselves but are guided by the Messe Frankfurt teams We have many years of experience with all kinds of events says Michael Biwer plead ing for an open dialogue between guest or ganisers and the site operator If both sides can already communicate in advance security measures do not have to be cost drivers Messe Frankfurt also offers service packages They include something that is required by the authorities the evacuation helper explains Dim itrios Donis And these helpers don t just stand around waiting for an evacuation alarm but can also be deployed for other securi ty related measures This gener ates synergies and in turn lowers costs www messefrankfurt com PB 8 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022 GERMANY Safety the oft invisible factor The event industry is braving its next restart The focus is back on the safety of attendees at face to face events Im Locations Talk der Messe Frankfurt sprachen Michael Biwer l und Dimitrios Donis über Gefährdungsfaktoren und das Risikomanagement At Messe Frankfurt s Locations Talk Michael Biwer l and Dimitrios Donis discussed hazard factors and risk management P ho to M es se F ra nk fu rt
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