Steckverbinder Bei der Ausstellung kamen auch Fußplatten zum Einsatz welche einigen Wänden mehr Standfestigkeit verliehen Im Wesentlichen besteht das System aus nach wachsenden Rohstoffen Außerdem produ zieren wir es klimaneutral unter anderem dank unserer Photovoltaik Anlage so Tho mas Gilnhammer Dank der Leichtbauweise fallen zudem weniger Emissionen durch geringeren Treib stoffverbrauch an Zu guter Letzt zählt der schnelle und solide Aufbau Zwei Wandpa neele werden aneinander durch einen Ver binder befestigt der leicht einzusetzen ist Ein leichter Dreh mit dem Gabelschlüssel folgt schon entsteht ein perfekter fester Fu genschluss Ganz gleich ob Winkelwände wie bei der Ausstellung ob Rundwände oder andere Aufbauten Das System steht prak tisch im Handumdrehen und lässt sich eben so mühelos wieder abbauen erklärt Tho mas Gilnhammer G40 Classic schont die Umwelt und spart Zeit und Kosten www gilnhammer de JK being used outside trade shows Designers of showrooms galleries museums and exhibi tions use these systems To mark the 100th anniversary of Save the Children the exhibition I live took place in the foyer of the German Foreign Of fice in Berlin Save the Children is a non gov ernmental organisation that conducts aid projects for children in need worldwide Through texts and images by photographer Dominic Nahr the exhibition featured eleven scenarios of how children survived the world s worst crises thanks to the organisa tion The image sequences were displayed on G40 Classic walls On dark coloured surfaces and with different interacting fonts a mood was created between narration and docu mentation as it says in the exhibition script Various advantages of the G40 Classic wall system came into play for its use in the German Foreign Office event One was that the wall panels can be coated with almost any surface fabric The black fabric used in the exhibition is one of the system s standard colours available for immediate delivery The panels were set up at 45 degree angles The connecting fittings for these structures are invisible to the audience They look like continuous smooth and harmonious wall surfaces emphasises managing director Thomas Gilnhammer However the most important reasons to choose G40 Classic are its lightweight con struction and speed with which the walls can be set up G40 Classic consists of panels in a sandwich construction Its surfaces are made of wood while the core is out of solid paper honeycomb Only the plug connectors are made of metal Foot plates were also used in the exhibition to make some of the walls more stable Essentially the system consists of re newable raw materials Our production is also climate neutral thanks in part to our photo voltaic system says Thomas Gilnhammer The lightweight design means lower fuel consumption which also reduces the carbon footprint Last but not least construction is swift and sturdy Two wall panels are attached to each other by a connector which is easy to use A slight twist with the open end wrench is all it takes to create a perfect tight joint It doesn t matter whether the walls are angled like at the exhibition round or other kinds of structures The system can be set up in next to no time and dismantled just as effortlessly explains Thomas Gilnhammer G40 Classic protects the environment and saves time and money www gilnhammer de JK 50 PRACTICE STAND CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIERS From exhibition hall to foreign office The last two years and more have not been easy But in times of cancelled in person events many a trade show service provider has made a virtue out of necessity G ilnhammer from Maitenbeth in Upper Bavaria is known as a manufacturer of lightweight wall systems out of wood More and more exhibitors are using them as alternatives to the ubiquitous construction kits out of materials such as aluminium The company had originally been a carpentry business And it still oper ates in the timber construction industry to day Hence Gilnhammer was recently able to shift its focus to bespoke furniture construc tion and interiors However its wall systems such as the established G40 Classic are still highly popular More than ever they are now Auf dunkler Ober flächen Farbe und mit einer Wechsel wirkung unter schiedlicher Schrifttypen ent stand eine Stim mung zwischen Erzählung und Dokumentation On dark coloured surfaces and with different interac ting fonts a mood was created bet ween narration and documenta tion Ph ot o H ar ri Ku hn m is ch en G bR B er lin TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022
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