T he circle has closed Two years ago the MWC caused the first Covid related shock in the trade fair industry It was the very first large international event to be cancelled at the start of the pandemic in Europe News of the cancellation reached those involved during the setup phase and is firmly lodged in their memories This year the MWC relaunched in full and successfully ne gotiated all the regulatory hurdles that are still in place GSMA the organiser made quite a statement with this event reports Matthias Beyer the managing director of Panexpo a company based in Worpswede near Bremen that specialises in logistics for trade fairs and other events It proved that large events are possible again provided there are good health and safety systems and procedures in place The numbers were also impressive over 1 500 exhibitors from 150 countries and almost 60 000 visitors came to Barcelona for what is the world s largest mobile phone in dustry trade fair Panexpo was again involved working for many well known exhibitors and exhibition stand companies We transported over 170 loads to the MWC this time explains Beyer We had a five strong team at the venue for around four weeks and a fully equipped trade fair office This is something of a tradition now for Panexpo Panexpo has been involved at the Mobile World Congress for over two decades Our customers benefit from our ex perience and know how at this even in the form of optimum preparation and smooth well established processes continues Beyer These processes ensure smooth timely lo gistics at the trade fair venue The logistics processes at MWC 2022 were strictly regulated All delivery vehicles had to book a slot in advance explains Matthias Beyer They then had to register and provide the right reference numbers at a spe cial registration car park set up for the event We took care of the bookings for our cus tomers Panexpo staff also handled the time consuming registration process at the regis tration car park There were particular chal lenges this time at the Mobile World Congress due to the measures designed to combat Covid All drivers had to prove they had re covered from Covid or had been vaccinated or tested by means of a digital badge on a smartphone or tablet says Beyer Despite all the extra work involved he and his team re ally enjoyed being involved in an event of this size again Everything worked perfectly just like it had before the pandemic It did us a lot of good and gave us all the feeling that we ve still got it www panexpo de PB 45 PRACTICE TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS We ve still got it The Mobile World Congress MWC took place in Barcelona from the end of February to the beginning of March The exhibition freight forwarder Panexpo was again in the thick of the action as a service provider Registrierplatz Sot del Migdia unweit des Olympia Stadions auf dem Berg Montjuic in Barcelona Registration area Sot del Migdia not far from the Olympic Stadium at Montjuic Mountain in Barcelona Ph ot o P an ex po TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022
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