T here are many reasons for that includ ing carbon taxes fuel prices inflation and driver shortages Güray Saritas the managing director of Europfast an international carrier based in Neuhausen near Stuttgart points out that other factors are also having a significant impact on the industry There is a shortage of truck capac ity due to rising demand in the current restart phase following the pandemic There are other economic factors in play as well according to Saritas the impact of the war in Ukraine being a prime example He also mentions a study of transport prices carried out by the University of St Gallen The study investigated the most important factors af fecting transport prices The shipment date was the most important factor according to the respondents followed closely by the dis industry Many companies are facing big fi nancial challenges after the recent long years of crisis emphasises Saritas There is a high risk of a wave of insolvencies He warns that such a scenario could lead to a short term shortage of truck capacity That would inevitably increase the organisational risks of event organisers Provided customers in the events indus try approach this in their usual professional way they will be able to take appropriate ac tion What you have to do is prevent this by means of supplier agreements and by plan ning ahead well advises Saritas Placing or ders early to secure the capacity you require on favourable terms and conditions helps with this Our company is actively commit ted to stabilising supply chains and planning ahead If you place orders with trade fair lo gistics companies in good time that also pro vides more scope for combinations and re duces the distance that has to be travelled by each vehicle The customer also has other options that reduce expenditure Reducing journeys without loads saves costs and also reduces emissions explains Saritas In addi tion digital solutions can be used produc tively to counter cost increases Digitalisa tion supports the automation of order pro cesses and facilitates more efficient process es www europfast com PB 42 PRACTICE tance between the sender and the recipient Right after that came the price of fuel and the weight of the goods to be shipped The supply of available loading space was among the other factors mentioned as playing a role in the price It is not just transport service providers as a whole that are affected by this situation it is also something that trade fair freight for warders have to face They have to decide how to get the message across to their cus tomers At Europfast we approach this open ly and transparently says Güray Saritas Our newsletter keeps our customers regu larly informed about current developments in the market he explains That creates trust which is the basis for a good lasting working relationship In addition to that Europfast is well aware of the challenges confronting the TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS Keeping budgets under control Whether you look at your weekly shopping bill or your energy costs it s clear that prices have risen significantly recently The transport industry is also affected by this Wichtigster Einflussfaktor auf die Transportpreise ist laut einer Befragung der Sendungstermin According to a survey the most important factor influencing transport costs is the shipment date Ph ot o iS to ck Es gibt eine Verknappung der Lkw Kapazitäten aufgrund steigender Nachfrage in der aktuellen Restart Phase beobachtet Güray Saritas There is a shortage of van capacities due to growing demand in the current restart phase observes Güray Saritas Ph ot o E ur op fa st TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022
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