Q uality in a square is an apt descrip tion of the AWE Mobile Studio Sim ply put it is a self contained booth with a height of 2 63 metres that takes up a mere two by two metres of floor space The booth style studio can be built in side an exhibition area or relocated as re quired Conceptually Mobile Studio was de signed with the increasing trend towards hy brid events in mind this small solution can make a big impact And it gives exhibitors or hosts an opportunity to engage with those who are unable to attend due to travel re strictions for example This increases the reach of events beyond AsiaWorld Expo to the Internet In addition to online offline in teraction analog use is also possible as an enclosed area for one on one meetings Made of environmentally friendly materials the studio can serve for many different functions tures even more state of the art technology being 5G compatible which enables high speed online communications Independent air conditioning and ventilation ensure a good air flow Importance was also attached to the use of tempered glass in the construc tion of the AWE Mobile Studio This allows users to feel connected with the outside world and makes the little studio an attrac tive eye catcher The device was launched eight months ago in September 2021 making its debut during pre show activities as part of a major public event at AsiaWorld Expo a concert attended by 8 500 people www asia world expo com PB 34 It comes equipped with built in video conferencing and live streaming software a webcam ring light and microphone and fea HONG KONG Small solution big impact Last year AsiaWorld Expo AWE announced its 70 million renovation One element of the programme is a mobile studio that fits a multitude of purposes INTERNATIONAL Mobility of the future No less than two events at AsiaWorld Expo last autumn focused on the automotivefuture First up was a Tesla event in November with new models on display that vis itors could take for test drives At this B2C event exhibition and leisure areas were also available for family fun And in early December International MotorXpo Hong Kong made its debut at AsiaWorld Expo It featured leading international car makers and brands with five major highlighted zones Over 150 cars from 50 brands were showcased in the Mobility Gallery while concept cars and prototypes were featured in the Design er Zone Driving simulation games in the E Sport zone and a children s playground in Carnival added fun to the B2B2C event In addition there was a premium area that housed masterpieces and artworks for VIP appreciation This was accompanied by Autofest which presented the history of the car industry combined with a display of classic and rare vintage cars In dem mobilen Studio befinden sich Software für Videokonferenzen und Live Streaming eine Webcam Ringlicht und Mikrofontechnik It is equipped with built in video conferencing and live streaming soft ware a webcam ring light and microphone Ph ot o A si aW or ld E xp o TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022

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