YOUR GLOBAL VENUE FINDER VENUE YOU 4 0 1 2 T he pandemic really put a spanner in the works The UFI European Confer ence had been supposed to take place in Poznan in 2021 on the occasion of the centenary of the trade fair company MTP Covid put an end to that however and peo ple had to make do with a digital event last June Now the event really is taking place one year later For a long time there was a question mark against it due to recent devel opments in eastern Europe But in mid March Tomasz Kobierski CEO of Grupa MTP Poznan s trade fair company indicated that the conference could go ahead at the same time adding how proud everybody there is to be using the facilities to support refugees and the humanitarian effort The trade fair venue is providing accommodation to refugees who have had to flee neighbour ing Ukraine In view of the new challenges European trade fair organisers want to make an im pression Now that we are getting out of the worst crisis ever in our industry we are be ing confronted with another crisis in Ukraine said David Boon the head of inter national business development at Brussels Expo and chair of the UFI s European chap ter We need to show that we are alive re UFI IN POZNAN The evolution of live events The last face to face UFI European Conference was held three years ago in Birmingham It is making its comeback from 4 to 6 May covering and strong and that meeting face to face is important for doing business and net working with clients The UFI emphasises that networking activities like this are the biggest driver inside its community In the trade fair city of Poznan in western Poland the participants will have plenty of opportu nity to do just that including two evening events and two half hour speed networking events Delegates can also look forward to a day and a half of talks and presentations The programme will kick off with a fireside chat between moderator Dan Ram and Paddy Cosgrave the founder of the important tech nology conference Web Summit They will be discussing the evolution of live events Mike Seaman of Raccoon Events will be ex plaining how the event business can be de veloped sustainably Raccoon Events was on ly set up in 2016 and has already organised 11 exhibitions in the UK and USA Sustain ability is a core element of the company s ap proach The aim is to be a net zero company by 2025 www ufi org PB INTERNATIONAL

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