O nly those who are thoroughly pre pared can flip a switch if that hap pens and respond appropriately Event organisers should decide on the basis of their event concept whether the event can also be run online They need to ensure that their ticketing service provider can handle cancellations if the event is called off advises Antje Schwuchow senior con tent marketing and event manager at Xing Events And if an online version of the event can be held there are a number of points to consider She recommends reserving a team and the technology required for professional streaming The availability of service providers in the event industry is significant ly reduced so it is important to book early says Schwuchow However a cancellation should be agreed in case this backup solu tion is not required When Plan B is pulled out all those speaking or delivering presentations have to be included and briefed in advance You have to clear up whether their contributions are going to be streamed from the venue or whether they are going to do it from their home office says Schwuchow You also have to establish in advance whether your participant management system can cope with a switch to an online event She gives the example of the Xing event management system which allows you to switch an event to an online format quickly and easily And if the event is cancelled Xing Events handles all of that for the client For Schwuchow it is worth having an online version of your event as a backup for a face to face event because it means the event can still go ahead if there is a cancellation because of Covid and it al lows the target group to attend online There is also a further benefit which increases the reach of the event the event can be record ed provided that is not too expensive and the content can then be recycled on demand www xing events com PB 24 FOCUS EVENT MANAGEMENT Having a Plan B More face to face events are taking place again But be cause the rules can change quickly if there is a renewed upsurge in Covid infections you need to have a Plan B New event design guidelines For over two years since the pan demic started virtually the onlyevents that have taken place have been online That has resulted in some significant changes including in the behaviour of speakers and delegates Event organisers really need to take their new requirements into account if they want people to respond well to their face to face events For instance they would be well advised to sched ule shorter speeches and presenta tions than before most delegates at tention spans have become shorter Event planners should also expect those present at the event to also be in Zoom mode working with their laptops An ideal response to that would be to provide rooms to which people can retreat for short digital meetings Organisers should also make sure that the Wi Fi system has sufficient bandwidth Xing Events has compiled a German lan guage check list of these points and other important aspects that should be considered now that face to face events are starting up again Events in Corona Zeiten sorgfältig planen sicher durchführen It can be downloaded free of charge from the Xing Events website Ph ot o X in g Ev en ts Es ist frühzeitig zu prüfen ob das Teilnehmer Management ein Umswitchen auf ein Online Event abbilden kann sagt Antje Schwuchow It is important to check at an early stage whether your attendee manage ment can handle a switch to an online event says Antje Schwuchow Ph ot o X in g Ev en ts TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022
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