U V C air purifiers are an efficient reli able way of augmenting existing air conditioning and ventilation systems in exhibition halls and function rooms The UV C modules purify the air in these systems This reduces the risk of air borne infection with lasting effect A com prehensive hygiene system is required during the pandemic for trade fair centres with large numbers of visitors says Lars Kanbach the head of technology and infrastructure at Hamburg Messe und Congress We there fore make particularly good use of UV C modules in addition to taking other meas ures They purify the air and eliminate coro naviruses and other germs The company was particularly impressed by the ease with which the modules can be installed in its ex isting air conditioning and ventilation sys tems They are also remarkably effective By using UV C modules in combination with other hygiene measures we are able to achieve an air disinfection rate of 95 in our large halls Visitors are thus protected in the best possible way and the performance data is al so extremely good emphasises Kanbach The installed UV C systems purify over a bil lion litres of air an hour in the exhibition halls of Hamburg Messe The solutions the company uses are provided by Bäro a com pany based in Leichlingen just north of Leverkusen We can disinfect rooms with lasting ef fect using UV C systems Our aim is to make large events like trade fairs safer explains Mar tin Ferres who is responsible for development and project planning at Bäro He points out that UV C technology is a proven solution that offers not only safety but also flexibility It can be integrated in such a way as to suit specific requirements and circumstances with mo bile or ceiling mounted UV C systems or alternatively disin fection modules that are fully integrated in the air conditioning or ventilation system The UV C air purifier is thus a very effective and worthwhile addition to the existing hy giene measures confirms Ferres The AirStream air disinfection module has been installed at Hamburg Messe This module can be integrated in existing air con ditioning or ventilation systems A critical ad vantage of the module is that it destroys viruses and bacteria in the entire building complex according to Bäro Moreover the maintenance costs are low which is un doubtedly welcome if you are looking to maximise efficiency Hamburg Messe und Congress also keeps its visitors informed about its efforts to make the best use of tech nology The website points out that the exhi bition halls benefit from the latest ventilation systems and the event related web pages mention other health focused measures such as additional hand sanitisation stations that participants should use as much as possible www hamburg messe de PB 15 FOCUS GERMANY Clean air Health is highly valued at Hamburg Messe und Congress Last year UV C air purifiers were installed to combat Covid 19 and other pathogens Hamburg Messe Ein unbe schwerter Messebesuch wie vor der Pandemie soll in Zu kunft auch dank der mon tierten UV C Anlagen wieder möglich sein Hamburg Messe A worry free visit to the trade fair like before the pandemic should be possi ble again in the future also thanks to the installed UV C systems Ph ot o H am bu rg M es se u nd C on gr es s R om an us F uh rm an n TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2022
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