messe karlsruhe de Wir verknüpfen Wissen Veranstaltungen in Karlsruhe Veranstaltung in Planung Bei uns finden Sie ein facettenreiches innerstädtisches Kongresszentrum und Organisationsprofis die Ihre Betreuung wirklich persönlich nehmen Ariane Petschmann Projekt Managerin für Kongresse audio technical listening rooms are now an indispensable part of museum technology points out Thomas Sakschewski At this year s fair Leipziger Messe is working with Icom the International Council of Museums a global network that closely supports national museums Its goal is to promote the international networking of mu seum professionals and museums for exam ple through joint learning or the sharing of knowledge The Mutec Forum is another part of the fair At the heart of the conference pro gramme it features blocks on various focal themes Its topics are security light and change of perspective Plus Mutec is tradi tionally staged under the same roof as denkmal Europe s leading trade fair for the conservation restoration and renovation of old buildings combines a lively exhibition with a multifaceted conference programme which is considered the most comprehensive further education event in the entire industry as Leipziger Messe points out Together Mutec and denkmal form a trade fair net work that builds a bridge between the differ ent sectors According to the hosts this in spires an interdisciplinary dialogue around the preservation of cultural heritage www leipziger messe de PB FOCUS An den Ständen wird es wieder vielfältige Anregungen für die Ausstellungsgestaltung geben The booths will again feature many inspiring ideas for exhibi tion design Ph ot o L ei pz ig er M es se uw ef ra ue nd or f d e
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