H amburg is northern Germany s mo bility hub an official EU model re gion for urban airborne mobility and the RealLab for Digital Mobility In future the metropolis on the Elbe will also be the host city of the Bold Moves New Mobility Summit Next year this bold move will make its debut during the OMR festival for digital marketing and technology Designed as a festival and congress the event will cover all mobility related topics Its first edition addresses experts decision mak ers in research business and politics as well as influencers and start ups In future the summit is to take place annually with yearly updates integrating additional formats and plans to eventually make the event accessible to the general public Hamburg Messe und Congress had previ ously collaborated with OMR on the Hanseat ic city s bid for IAA 2021 They then both used their original concept to develop the new event format For this purpose they decided to leave the beaten track and conventional approaches to designing industry events What the future of mobility will look like concerns us all says Bernd Aufderheide We would like to give this topic a huge new stage that is completely unique argues the CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress www hamburg messe de To be more specific this means involving everyone who has the potential to contribute to the mobility transition This expressly in cludes partners whose names may not be the first that come to mind when thinking about mobility points out Aufderheide Our goal is to establish a leading international event for zero carbon mobility The concept also includes a community platform moderated by an editorial team year round as well as podcasts and other dialogue and communi cation channels Bold Moves will provide a platform for the mobility scene to interact and network share information and get in spired says Philipp Westermeyer founder of OMR www omr com PB 8 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 4 2021 GERMANY 2022 Bold move off the beaten track Hamburg Messe und Congress will be launching a new event format on the future of mobility together with OMR in 2022 It will give both visionaries and key players a huge stage Ph ot o O M R J ul ia n H uk e Ph ot o H M C Z ap f Mit Bold Moves wird die Plattform geschaffen auf der sich die Mobility Szene trifft und vernetzt sagt Philipp Westermeyer Bold Moves will provide a platform for the mobility scene to interact and network says Philipp Westermeyer Wie die Mobilität der Zukunft aussehen wird betrifft uns alle argumentiert Bernd Aufderheide What the future of mobility will look like concerns us all argues Bernd Aufderheide
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