FOCUSCONTENT 33 Insiderwissen Englisches Messe Zukunftsbuch erschienen 32 Imprint 32 Service Partner COLUMN 8 Germany 2022 Bold move off the beaten track 11 Germany 2022 Electric filling station of the future 13 Germany 2022 Net zero goal 14 Germany 2022 Business with guest trade fairs thriving 16 Trade fairs Congresses F cell takes centre stage 18 Trade fairs Congresses Taking a look at fundamental questions about the future 21 Congresses What will protect us in a crisis 23 TFI Know how What to do when things go wrong at virtual or in person events FOCUS 25 Hungary Big step forwards 27 Abu Dhabi London Trade fair centres expand towards the waterfront 31 India Trade fairs are returning INTERNATIONAL 34 Insider knowledge New English language book about the future of trade fairs PRACTICE Ph ot o E xp os A si a Axess CAPACITY MANAGER How many are allowed to be when and where Regardless of whether it is the number of total visitors to a trade fair or the number of visitors in a hall With Axess CAPACITY MANAGER and the CAPACITY MONITOR determine each limit as desired The current frequencies are visible at all times and visitor flows are easy to control and guarantee a business friendly trade fair experience teamaxess com 5TradeFairs Internation al 4 2021 Insider knowledge New English language book about the future of trade fairs
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