I n the spring we published Die Zukunft von Messen Kongressen und Events in which 28 highly regarded experts pro vide fascinating views of how the future will look in 25 guest articles A successful and varied journey through possible futures of the trade fair and event industry wrote AUMA of our compilation Both positive re views like that and demand from the indus try encouraged us to publish an English lan guage book along similar lines with 27 fur ther guest articles from another 30 top ex perts from global trade fair companies and organisations This book appeared in print at the end of October The title is The Future of Exhibitions Congresses and Events The trade fair industry will have to reinvent itself to a certain extent in the next ten years predicts Björn Kempe who published the English language book with support from Stephanie Selesnick It seems questionable whether there will still be mega events taking up 500 000 square metres in future but it is also pretty unlikely that the traditional face to face model will be replaced by digitalisation The pandemic has shown us that people want to meet up again and that hybrid con cepts only work to a certain extent ob serves Kempe Our book reveals how a fu ture like this might look on several levels he adds The book doesn t shy away from controversy or from putting forward ideas for the future that s really important The Future of Exhibitions Congresses and Events is available both in print price 49 95 euros and as an e book 42 99 euros Or ders can be placed on the English language TFI website www trade fairs internation al com tfi en book index php or by email axel thunig tfi publications com The German language book Die Zukunft von Messen Kongressen und Events can be or dered on the German language TFI website www tfi publications com PB 34 TradeFairs Internation al 4 2021 INSIDER KNOWLEDGE New English language book about the future of trade fairs What does the future look like for exhibitions conventions and events Top experts provide the answers in two different books published by TFI Verlagsgesellschaft PRACTICE Die Messebranche wird sich in den nächsten zehn Jahren teilweise neu erfinden müssen prognostiziert Björn Kempe The trade fair industry will have to reinvent itself to some extent over the next ten years predicts Björn Kempe Ph ot o E xp os A si a Cancellation fund protects trade fair organisers until September 2022 The German government and federalstates are supporting the trade fair in dustry in Germany with a special new fund according to AUMA the association of the german trade fair industry This will pro tect trade fair organisers against the risk of an event being cancelled due to Covid by com pensating them for costs incurred The aim is to give trade fair organisers an incentive to stage trade fairs in Germany as planned ac cording to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs The fund has a total of 600 million euros available to offer protection against the costs incurred for events that have to be cancelled The federal government has made the money available and the federal states will be processing applications and handling payments In the event of a trade fair being cancelled due to the pandemic a maxi mum of 80 per cent of the costs incurred for the event can be covered by the fund The maximum amount of compensation is 8 mil lion euros per event Operating and person nel costs hire charges the cost of sales and orders placed with service providers are all covered in the scheme And who can bene fit from the special new fund Events sched uled to take place up to 30 September 2022 qualify The trade fair or exhibition must be registered in advance with the central online platform at www sonderfonds messe de It has been possible to register since 25 October Stephanie Selesnick president International Trade Information
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