Around 25 000 square metres of space for ex hibitions new halls for conferences will be added by 2024 Construction work is due to start at the beginning of next year The ex pansion of our assets in Abu Dhabi and Lon don confirms the increasing importance of the business and leisure tourism sectors ar gues Humaid Matar Al Dhaheri ADNEC s managing director and group CEO These in dustries are key to taking both countries economies to the next level as they help di versify their sources of income and strengthen the main sustainable contributors to that It may seem counter intuitive that these investments are announced at a time when the event industry is going through a crisis throughout the world as a result of the pan demic but Humaid Matar Al Dhaheri asserts that the group s strategy is based on the prin ciple of turning challenges into opportunities We have moved on from the exceptional cir cumstances that have affected the world to providing an advanced infrastructure at our centres to welcome people from across the globe once more in a safe and reliable busi ness environment ADNEC is approaching the future with optimism and in line with the long term vision of its prudent leadership which takes the next fifty years as its context www adnec ae PB 28 TradeFairs Internation al 4 2021 INTERNATIONAL The UFI convenes in Rotterdam The 88th UFI Global Congress took placein Rotterdam at the beginning of No vember and marked the event s return to a live format Around 350 delegates from 40 countries got together in the Dutch city Europe s largest sea port with a slogan of Together again More than 60 speakers took the stage where they discussed the in dustry s future challenges and opportunities During the congress the delegates were giv en initial insights into the results of the asso ciation s latest market research study which was carried out by the UFI partner Explori The results revealed a new sense of optimism among trade fair industry players A white paper on data ownership given the evolu tion of the digital transformation was also discussed in Rotterdam A further theme was a commitment to reducing emissions to net ze ro Sustainability played a very important role at the UFI Congress Monica Lee Müller the managing director of HML the company that operates the Hong Kong Convention Exhibi tion Centre picked up the baton as UFI president for 2021 22 She succeeds Anbu Varathan the outgoing present The presidential trio is completed by Michael Duck who assumed the role of incoming president Due to travel re strictions as a result of the pandemic many UFI members couldn t be present in Rotterdam A digital event was or ganised for them the UFI Global Con gress Extended The content remained available until 26 November with a pro gramme targeted at the Asia Pacific region and the Americas The next UFI Global Congress will be taking place in 2022 in Muscat Oman Las Vegas is due to host the event in 2023 www ufi org Ph ot o U FI Bis zum Jahr 2024 kommen im Londoner ExCeL rund 25 000 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche hinzu Around 25 000 square metres of exhibition space will be added to London s ExCeL by 2024 Ph ot o A D N EC
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