P ublic health energy and water sup ply government and administration have one thing in common They are all critical infrastructures This makes them one of the spheres of public life that are essential for the functioning of society Threats lurk in many places be it natural disasters cyber attacks or terrorism Critical infrastructure organisations learned how to improve their protection and how to re spond correctly in a crisis situation at last November s protekt 2021 conference The event was held at the Leipzig Zoo Congress Hall which is operated by Leipziger Messe This was its fifth edition and it saw a record turnout of over 260 experts from all over Germany The keynote speaker was a familiar face Lothar Wieler As head of the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases RKI the professor has been strongly in the public eye over the past year and a half He talked about the RKI s work during the pandemic and outlined possible future challenges An other very topical event at protekt was a dis cussion panel on disaster control and crisis management High calibre representatives of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief THW the Malteser Hilfsdienst res cue service and the Bundeswehr presented their take on the flood disaster that hit the west and southwest of Germany last July The aim of the discussion was not least to explore how Germany can become better equipped to handle future disasters The conference programme featured var ious lectures on very specific crisis situa tions that occur time and again Another re al life example was the sudden failure of the district heating supply in Jena last February But speakers also talked about how cyber attackers systematically employ the latest ransomware or how to protect large scale events Defence against drones and blackout preparedness in Germany and Austria were further interesting topics Access control based on facial recognition and the use of artificial intelligence in command centres were also on the agenda Plus Speakers at Leipziger Messe point ed out that the long term failure of IT infra structures IT systems or IT applications can have fatal consequences for critical infra structures They emphasised the need for holistic concepts to strengthen resilience only covering individual aspects was not enough Therefore they considered it crucial to integrate various management disciplines to establish interfaces and to create syner gies to this end Due to the pandemic digiti sation efforts in Germany have been stepped up considerably since last year This surge has sparked heightened demand for cloud services among other things Especially in the highly regulated financial services envi ronment protective measures are of crucial importance when dealing with what is mostly sensitive data www leipziger messe de PB FOCUS CONGRESSES What will protect us in a crisis Covid shows how vulnerable society is And not just the health service Critical infrastructure protection CIP was the focus of attention at a two day event in Leipzig Die Kritis Tagung in Leipzig verzeichnete 2021 mit über 260 Experten aus ganz Deutschland eine Rekordbeteiligung The 2021 conference on critical infrastructures in Leipzig saw a record turnout of over 260 experts from all over Germany Ph ot o T om S ch ul ze Le ip zi ge r M es se
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