nehmender Hitze oder Starkniederschlägen in Städten führte er weiter aus Stadtentwick lung hat dabei eine starke soziale Komponen te insbesondere beim Thema Wohnen Die se zentrale Funktion unseres Lebens müsse entsprechend organisiert sein so dass für die unterschiedlichen Lebensformen und Le A lmost 1 200 exhibitors and just short of 10 000 trade visitors made inten sive use of the three days of the event to press on with their projects for the future inform themselves and engage in net working explained Klaus Dittrich the chair man and CEO of Messe München Com pared to the record years before Covid the trade fair was of course smaller this time But the restart was a success according to Dittrich and Expo Real again proved itself to be Europe s most important real estate trade fair That wouldn t have been possible with out the protection and hygiene measures tak en by Messe München The conference programme offered a 18 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 4 2021 TRADE FAIRS CONGRESSES Taking a look at fundamental questions about the future It was the first Expo Real to take place since the appearance of Covid the real estate industry came together in Munich for its most important industry get together in October bensentwürfe auch für die unterschiedlichen Milieus der Gesellschaft angemessene Ange bote vorgehalten werden können forderte Armin Nassehi Professor am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie und Gesellschaftstheo rie ebenfalls an der Ludwig Maximilians Uni versität www messe muenchen de PB wide range of information on markets mar ket segments and digital innovations and took a look at some fundamental develop ments Expo Real 2021 made it clear that the German real estate market continues to be highly attractive and has remained largely unaffected by Covid explained Gertrud Traud the chief economist of Helaba Lan desbank Hessen Thüringen That will contin ue for as long as interest rates remain low according to Traud I don t expect ECB pres ident Christine Lagarde to make her first move to raise interest rates until the end of 2023 said Traud in her presentation Reply ing to a question as to whether we are head ing for a financial or property bubble Holger Schmieding the chief of economist of the private bank Berenberg said There is no sign of that yet It was clear from many of the forums that the industry has a key role to play in the fight against global warming Any meaning ful transition towards protecting the climate will not be possible without the involvement of the real estate sector said Matthias Garschagen a professor of anthropogeogra phy at Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich LMU At the same time the sector has a central role to play in the successful adaptation to climate change for instance in coping with increasing temperatures and heavy rainfall in cities he continued Urban development has a strong social element particularly when it comes to the resi dential segment This central function in all our lives must be suitably organ ised so that the needs of people in all parts of society with different ways of life and different plans as to how they want to live their lives are catered for appropriately demanded Armin Nassehi a professor of general sociol ogy and social theory also at Ludwig Maximilians Universität www messe muenchen de PB Expo Real 2021 Klaus Dittrich l bei der Eröffnungszeremonie am Moskau Stand Expo Real 2021 Klaus Dittrich l during the opening ceremony at the Moscow stand Ph ot o M es se M ün ch en
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