messe wird von der Rudolf Müller Medien gruppe und dem privaten Messeveranstalter AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen organisiert Vom 26 bis 28 April findet die von Vincentz Network veranstaltete Altenpflege statt I t is the largest trade fair for the taxi and car hire industry and will now be taking place in Essen from 4 to 5 November 2022 Classic limousines mini buses and special vehicles for transporting disabled or sick passengers will be exhibited Vehicles with new drive concepts will also be on show In addition there will also be a wide variety of service offerings ranging from in formation technology to wireless technology and payment systems We are delighted that the organiser the industry association Fachvereinigung Personenverkehr Nordrhein Taxi Mietwagen will be coming to us every two years from 2022 says Oliver P Kuhrt the managing director of Messe Essen Other highly specialised trade fairs coming to Essen have been announced previously A variety of events have been cancelled in recent months due to the pandemic but Messe Essen has managed to fill its calendar with new business It begins right at the start of the year with InfraTech from 11 to 13 Jan uary the international trade fair for road con struction and civil engineering Rotterdam Ahoy its Dutch organiser has extended its contract in Essen Cable Car World will be taking place just four weeks later from 8 to 9 February The event will give cable cars their own platform as an urban means of transport for the first time This combined trade fair and convention organised jointly by Messe Essen and SI Urban is aimed at representa tives from the worlds of politics business and science The TI Expo Conference from 9 to 10 March will be focusing on heat and cold pro tection sound insulation and fire protection insulation The combined trade fair and con ference is being organised jointly by Rudolf Müller Mediengruppe and the private sector trade fair organiser AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen Altenpflege organised by Vin centz Network will be taking place from 26 to 28 April This care industry event will be switching from Hanover to Essen in even numbered years The Lubricant Expo organ ised by the British event organiser Event Part ners and focusing as the name suggests on lubricant solutions is coming from 6 to 8 Sep tember If there are pandemic related changes they will be communicated on the Messe Es sen website www messe essen de PB 14 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 4 2021 GERMANY 2022 Business with guest trade fairs thriving The Europäische Taximesse European Taxi Fair is heading for the Ruhr Messe Essen has acquired its sixth trade fair for 2022 and the following years Der Treffpunkt der Pflegebranche wechselt in den geraden Jahren von Hannover nach Es sen Und vom 6 bis 8 September kommt die Lubricant Expo des britischen Veranstalters Event Partners eine Plattform für Schmier stofflösungen Sollte es pandemiebedingte Änderungen geben werden sie auf der Web seite mitgeteilt www messe essen de PB Freut sich über die Neuzugänge Messechef Oliver P Kuhrt Pleased about the new additions Trade fair CEO Oliver P Kuhrt Diverse hochspezialisierte Fachmessen haben ihren Wechsel nach Essen bekannt gegeben Various highly specialised trade fairs have announced their relocation to Essen Ph ot o M es se E ss en Ra in er S ch im m Ph ot o M es se E ss en M ic ha el L üb ke
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