T he project at the pilot location in Nuremberg is part of Audi s electromo bility offensive Climate protection is a key objective of the Bavarian govern ment emphasises Albert Füracker the Bavarian finance minister All sections of so ciety must pull in the same direction here he believes For a state with a large surface area sustainability must be a central goal That s why he is delighted about Audi and Nürn bergmesse s joint pilot project developing the electric filling stations of the future This project will drive electromobility forward quite a way believes Füracker who is also the chairman of the supervisory board of NürnbergMesse The trade fair company talks about making a mark on the way to the decarbonisation of our driving culture These additional high power charging sta tions will provide both exhibitors and visitors with further added value at our trade fair centre stresses Roland Fleck Nürn bergMesse s CEO The charging stations are in the northern section of the trade fair centre There are six reservable high power charging stations with an adjoining lounge area The charging in frastructure is a key factor contributing to the success of the transition to electromobility akin to a backbone says Ralph Hollmig the Audi charging hub project manager We don t merely want a solution that will be ca pable of meeting peak demand in the future we also want to make charging your car a premium experience Our lounge area of fers this premium experience At the same time the high power charging hub with its reservable charging points does not make high demands of the local grid The project was planned and con tractually agreed by the business partners and the city authorities within a short space of time and quickly approved It was complet ed at the end of November and will embark on its first full year of operation in 2022 www nuern bergmesse de PB 11 FOCUS GERMANY 2022 Electric filling station of the future Audi and NürnbergMesse have just opened the world s first Audi charging hub The idea is that charging your car at these charging stations should be a premium experience Beauty industry increasingly sustainable The transformation of the international cosmetics market is in full swing Corona and thefurther escalation of the climate crisis have had a strong influence on the cosmetics in dustry the retail trade and consumers This development has resulted in the redefinition of sustainability a greater focus on supply chains increased digitalisation and changes to con sumers behaviour The current crises have given people plenty to think about and many are trying to live more ethically The trade fair Vivaness provides orientation and focuses on cur rent trends it offers a platform for presenting developments and innovations in the industry as well as an opportunity for the beauty industry to get together Vivaness is taking place to gether with Biofach at Nürnbergmesse from 15 to 18 February 2022 With growth of around 5 per cent in the first six months of 2021 natural cosmetics have further increased their market share Online channels are now ahead when it comes to sales Market experts estimate that omni channel marketing will become even more important in future If there are pandemic related changes they will be communicated online www vivaness de Spatenstich v l Daniel Ulrich Baure ferent Stadt Nürnberg Roland Fleck Albert Füracker Marcus König Ober bürgermeister Nürnberg Michael Fraas Wirtschaftsreferent Stadt Nürnberg und Ralph Hollmig Groundbreaking ceremony from left Daniel Ulrich Nuremberg s planning director Roland Fleck Albert Füracker Marcus König lord mayor of Nurem berg Michael Fraas Nuremberg s head of economic affairs and Ralph Hollmig Ph ot o N ür nb er gM es se Ra lf Rö de l
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