FOCUSCONTENT 40 Messebau Zulieferer Schneller Aufbau ohne Werkzeug Stand construc tion suppliers High speed construction without tools 43 Imprint Service Partner COLUMN 8 88th UFI Global Congress Face to face 12 IAA Mobility Visions for climate neutral vehicles 14 Trade fair services Exhibitors are eager for face to face 16 Trade fair services Ticket sales and access control FOCUS 18 Italy Expectations are very positive 22 Abu Dhabi Befitting the reputation of the emirates 24 Hong Kong Mammoth project marks a milestone 26 China Most fairs remain person to person 30 Thailand Start of a new era 33 Asia MICE scenarios will change INTERNATIONAL 36 Trade fair logistics Just in time delivery 39 Trade fair logistics In demand again PRACTICE Ph ot o G iln ha m m er Axess CAPACITY MANAGER How many are allowed to be when and where Regardless of whether it is the number of total visitors to a trade fair or the number of visitors in a hall With Axess CAPACITY MANAGER and the CAPACITY MONITOR determine each limit as desired The current frequencies are visible at all times and visitor flows are easy to control and guarantee a business friendly trade fair experience teamaxess com 5TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 41 Stand construction suppliers High speed construction without tools
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