you can create structures of any kind Ad justable feet allow you to compensate for any unevenness in the floor Top bolts can be used to place one wall panel on top of an other There are sturdy foot plates for free standing walls The biggest advantage of the new light weight wall system according to Thomas Gilnhammer the company s managing direc tor is that walls can be assembled quickly without the need for tools We call it G40 Quick because you can construct entire wall systems for exhibition stands or museums by just putting a few parts together by hand And by making a few simple changes you can create quite different rooms or structures for presentations The system also offers great scope for flexibility in terms of both manufacture and design We are the developers and manu facturers of the G40 Quick wall system That gives the customer countless different op tions when it comes to dimensions and sur faces explains Thomas Gilnhammer The standard surface is a resilient white laminate But just about any other surface the cus tomer wants can also be used for the wall el ements From laminate colours and decor styles to varnished finishes board surfaces and whiteboards we can provide almost anything explains Gilnhammer The G40 Quick system also includes many other elements such as rounded walls door modules passageways cabinet walls monitor sections Keder walls and acoustic walls Steel pallets robust boxes trolleys and padded cases are used to transport every thing to the customer safely G40 Quick com plements the G40 system family which has a honeycomb paper core G40 is synonymous with sustainable lightweight timber con struction and solar powered manufacturing adds Gilnhammer G40 Classic is a proven system that has been used for exhibition stands and presentation purposes in muse ums for many years It is notable for its ex tremely strong and stable connectors It of fers a very wide range of connectors and cor ner solutions as well as virtually seamless walls G40 Quick was created particularly for smaller exhibition stands and structures www gilnhammer de JK 42 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 High performance synthetic materials Chemicals are better than their reputa tion and not every material for standscan consist of renewable raw materials Exolon Group which was originally part of Covestro is a supplier of polycarbonate sheets used in industry construction visual communications and exhibition stand con struction www exolongroup com But are synthetic materials sustainable Yes because synthetic materials use fewer natural resources than many other materials The amount of oil or gas used to make them is a tiny fraction of that used for heating transport and energy purposes explains Nicole Meyer Kurczyk Exelon Group s market ing communications manager Our thermo plastic sheets are long lasting and 100 per cent recyclable which considerably improves their environmental footprint They are also malleable and easy to work with The variety of design options are a key advantage These transparent polycarbonate sheets can be used for wall elements furnish ings and entire exhibition stands Currently they are being used a lot as partitions at cash tills in petrol stations and supermarkets and at reception desks Hygiene is a further advan tage of polycarbonate sheets they can be easily cleaned with water Exolon offers multi skin and solid sheets The multi skin sheets consist of two or more layers that are stuck together The cavities inside them make them particularly light Like the multi skin sheets the solid sheets are also available in different thick nesses colours and decor styles In addition to the polycarbonate sheet range customers can also get solid sheets made from PET PETG and blended material G40 Quick heißt deshalb so weil sich Ausstellungs oder Museumslandschaften mit wenigen Handgriffen aufbauen lassen G40 Quick owes its name to being used to swiftly create exhibition or museum landscapes without any tools Ph ot o G iln ha m m er
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