F or three decades the centre has been a leading player in the international MICE industry During this period the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center has accommodated around 20 000 leading events both at a national and inter national level an impressive track record Its enlargement and modernisation will mark the start of a new era in the heart of the Thai capital And there is good news Successful progress is being made on the revamp as the operators report Despite the Covid 19 chal lenges globally we managed to follow our long term investment plan to complete the QSNCC remodelling successfully points out Panote Sirivadhanabhakdi director of TCC Assets Thailand This fulfils our vision and aspiration to transform our venue into the leading convention centre in Asia TCC Assets is the parent company of N C C Man agement Development which manages Queen Sirikit National Convention Center As for its dimensions the premises will have five times as much space including the necessary infrastructure after completion A total of 78 500 square metres will be avail able for events of all kinds as of autumn 2022 The two main exhibition halls will of fer more than 45 000 square metres of exhi bition space on two levels In addition there will be two large conference halls with near 30 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 ly 10 000 square metres 50 flex ible meeting rooms and an addi tional retail zone Further perks of the 425 million euro invest ment include fully equipped technologies and 2 700 indoor parking spaces Visitor capacity will increase noticeably as a re sult of the project Up to 100 000 visitors a day will soon be able to visit the Queen Sirikit Nation al Convention Center reaffirming its posi tion as the largest convention centre in Bangkok s central business district well con nected to the local MRT railway system The extensive modernisation and ex pansion is a factor in ensuring that customers accept the new capacities Additionally the national context could play an important role in marketing With its strategic location in the heart of mainland Southeast Asia Thailand has many other arguments to attract events Thus the QSNCC is likely to benefit from the so called soft factors which the Kingdom has in abundance They include great accessibili ty a good variety of destinations and world famous Thai hospitality We are confident that these strengths will enable us to capture the interests of leading international MICE and event businesses says Panote Sirivad hanabhakdi To ensure that this will really happen nothing has been left to chance One year before the reopening already everything is being done to ensure a future success story The new Queen Sirikit National Convention Center has recently started accepting book ings And this has met with a positive re sponse on the market as the operator points out www qsncc com PB THAILAND Start of a new era The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center QSNCC in Bangkok is getting a makeover After its reopening in September 2022 it will be much larger and more modern INTERNATIONAL Ph ot o Q SN CC Wir haben es geschafft unseren langfristigen Investitionsplan zur Umgestaltung des QSNCC einzuhalten betont Panote Sirivadhanabhakdi We managed to follow our long term investment plan to complete the QSNCC remodelling success fully points out Panote Sirivadhanabhakdi Großzügiges Ambiente Das Tagungsraum Foyer B bietet tolle Aussichten Spacious ambience Meeting Room Foyer B offers specta cular views Ph ot o Q SN CC
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