A siaWorld Expo is spending over 600 million Hong Kong dollars approx 66 million euros on facility upgrades This money is being used to renovate more than 70 000 square metres This is a milestone year for us says AWE s CEO Irene Chan Our extensive facility upgrade pro gramme is an ongoing project bringing su perb new value to organisers Despite the major construction measures there are to be no disruptions to daily operations For this reason the renovation project which has started already will be completed in strategic phases In total the mammoth project is slat ed to take five years This massive investment of time and money signifies AWE s strong be lief in a vibrant market recovery emphasises AWE Essentially the project covers three im portant dimensions namely hardware up grades technology and network advance ments and smart solutions for sanitisation Hardware includes all of the halls organ iser rooms dining outlets as well as public circulation areas Upgrades will be carried out on interior design lighting and AV sys tems ventilation and drainage Recent devel opments in the industry play a role in the field of technology and network infrastruc ture Hence AsiaWorld Expo is responding to the growing hybrid event trend In the field of information and communication technolo gy the venue s network is being upgraded to the next generation Wi Fi 6 standard This will enable it to fully support broadband streaming as well as AR VR applications and Artificial Intelligence There will also be a brand new hybrid meeting facility Mobile Studio which can be relocated anywhere on the premises to meet flexible needs Plus Sanitisation and safety assurance have emerged as key issues since the out break of Covid 19 Washrooms are fitted with a disinfection system that specially treats the water to eliminate viruses and bacteria This system has also been installed in the kitchens where it is to remove contamina tions and chemicals In addition it helps re duce the risk posed to frontline staff and vis itors As a first in the global MICE industry AWE has introduced the CleanTech device which helps to sanitise visitors and their car ried items in just 12 seconds This ground breaking installation has now been adapted to a tunnel setting for large scale crowd ad missions As if that were not enough the entire up grading process is currently in flux Asia World Expo s CEO Irene Chan tells us that more enhancements are in the pipeline This shows an unshakeable faith in the fu ture of the events business Optimism is abuzz around Hong Kong s Chek Lap Kok airport AWE now looks forward to a new era of transformation and revitalisation www asiaworld expo com PB 24 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG Mammoth project marks a milestone AsiaWorld Expo AWE made its debut over 15 years ago To mark this little anniversary the venue has kick started a large scale infrastructure enhancement programme AsiaWorld Expo Auch die Flächen und Bereiche die dem Besucherfluss dienen werden einer Renovierung unterzogen AsiaWorld Expo Public circulation areas are also being upgraded Ph ot o A si aW or ld E xp o
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