These are practices that now resemble nor mality and that we have had no problems applying also thanks to the collaboration of all the stakeholders We can confirm that to day at the exhibition centre and in the city life goes on in absolute safety from trans port to hotels and restaurants the utmost safety is guaranteed What are your expectations until the end of the year and how is the booking situation compared to 2019 Expectations are very positive Exhibitors and operators have a genuine need to meet each other again This widespread demand high lights the fundamental role of trade fairs and in particular large B2B events for supporting the economy and exports To give some fig ures Sana Cosmofarma and Onbeauty by Cosmoprof featured 1 150 brands 600 at Sana alone And the forthcoming events are registering excellent enrolment numbers and planned visits We have also resumed our ac tivities on the international front Cosmoprof North America recently took place in Las Ve gas and Marca China will shortly follow suit Moscow looks forward to the shoe and leather goods fair Obuv Mir Kozhi soon What do you expect for 2022 and why The progress of the vaccination campaign will contain the spread of the virus and po tential variants There are also promising signs from the economy This confirms our belief that the activities of our exhibition cen tre will return to full capacity by 2022 Also on the international front next year should see the reopening of Asia and the United States allowing a return to normality Abroad we have just announced the expan sion of our activities in Latin America We have opened a new company and a new of fice in Guadalajara Mexico Will the pandemic change the trade fair landscape in the medium term Covid has forced us to experiment and im prove on some areas of expertise that were already part of our reality Now we are capitalising on that experience incorpo rating it into our formats which enables us to better leverage the possibilities offered by the digital world We are emerging from this period with renewed confirmation of the importance of in person fairs which are now enhanced with new tools and opportunities www bolognafiere it PB 18 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 INTERNATIONAL Mr Bruzzone how has the re start in Bologna been With the authorisation to hold fairs again we were able to resume our activities on 15 June At the beginning of July we hosted Tanexpo funeral fair as our first international event The second half of the year kicked off with Sana the international fair for organic products Cosmofarma and Onbeauty by Cosmoprof These fairs saw an attendance of almost 50 000 people We will continue with an intense programme of events They in clude some major international shows like Cersaie Eima Zoomark and Mecspe manu facturing fair which will take place in Bologna for the first time What safety measures have been introduced Safety is now a consolidated feature At the exhibition centre there are effective protocols required by the relevant authorities for large events access only with a green pass saniti sation social distancing to name a few ITALY Expectations are very positive For some months now it has once again been possible to hold trade fairs in Italy In an interview with TFI Antonio Bruzzone director general of BolognaFiere talks about new beginnings Die Messen Sana Cosmo farma und Onbeauty by Cosmoprof fanden im September statt The trade shows Sana Cosmofarma and Onbeauty by Cosmoprof took place in September Ph ot o B ol og na Fi er e
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