16 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 L ocated just a few hundred metres from Toulouse Blagnac Airport the brand new trade fair and convention centre opened in September 2020 It s an am bitious project with a total of 70 000 square metres of event space seven exhibition halls offering 40 000 square metres 5 000 parking spaces and 170 hectares of green spaces with a rich variety of flora and fauna Meett was designed to host trade fairs exhibitions con ferences conventions and international cul tural and sports events The venue and its operating company expect to be receiving over a million visitors and hosting 80 events a year in the future The architects were guided by green building principles and min imised the venue s environmental footprint A three hectare photovoltaic park generates renewable energy and the buildings also benefit from a geothermal plant The venue thus impresses not only with its clear mini malist architecture but also with its state of the art energy systems On completion of construction Axess a company based in Anif near Salzburg was commissioned to install a system for visitor and exhibitor administration Drawing on its many years of experience the Austrian com pany proposed a solution that met all the new trade fair centre s hardware and soft ware requirements This all in one solution handles ticket sales exhibitor IDs access to the car parks and access control for the halls based on the hardware systems Axess Smart Pos and Axess Ticket Kiosk 600 The former is used for ticket sales at the ticket office while the latter enables you to buy a ticket for an event or pay for a parking ticket with out having to go to the ticket office Numer ous ticket machines were installed for the visitor and exhibitor car parks thus prevent ing waiting times and relieving the pressure on ticket office staff In addition Toulouse Évènements the venue operator opted for a mobile ticket checking system for all the access points of the various halls which offers a practical flexible solution Axess supplied 36 handheld devices for scanning and checking tickets These lightweight devices are easy to trans port and use all day at a trade fair On the software side Axess provided a platform for online ticket sales The Axess Visitor Plat form enables both consumers and trade visi tors to buy tickets online Trade visitors and representatives of the press can also register in advance and apply for accreditations and IDs For exhibitors there is the Axess Ex hibitor Platform which enables exhibitor IDs parking IDs and invitations to visitors to be issued easily The status of vouchers and invitations can be obtained in real time whenever required Exhibitors are thus kept constantly informed of the success of their campaigns www teamaxess com PB TRADE FAIR SERVICES Ticket sales and access control The new trade fair centre in Toulouse has been open for a year now Toulouse Évènements chose the Austrian provider Axess to take care of visitor and exhibitor administration Messe und Kongresszentrum Meett in Toulouse Axess installierte ein System zur Verwaltung der Besucher und Aussteller Meett exhibition and convention centre in Toulouse Axess installed a system to manage visitors and exhibitors Ph ot o M ee tt A xe ss
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