FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 O f course most companies in the trade fair industry have experienced better times Nevertheless we can feel that things are starting to pick up a bit observe Angelica and Thomas Stäbler The two directors of the trade fair and event serv ice provider Perfect Meeting and their team were and are currently particularly busy with two shows managing exhibitor room allot ments for Expo Real in Munich and EMO in Milan We are optimistic about the future they both agree 2022 is going to be a busy year for trade fairs they say looking at the event calendar If we get to do what we love best again it will be a good year too Cus tomers and their employees are eager to meet face to face again and to spend their evenings sharing ideas in a relaxed atmos phere Sales and marketing people can t just stay cooped up working from home They get frustrated when their only way to com municate is through the screen At the moment many exhibitors are rar ing to go whereas the situation is still marked by uncertainty This is mainly due to the fact that the hygiene rules are not revealed until a few months before the start of the show explains Thomas Stäbler Let s say an exhibitor is planning to implement a booth concept with 100 staff members he gives a fictional example What can happen is that you can then only have 80 staff per booth because the law has restricted the number of people per square metre In the current slump hotels are not particularly ac commodating when it comes to cancella tions their situation is already desperate and so they will clutch at any straw In prac tice exhibitors are therefore more cautious with their plans in order to avoid cancella tion costs which no boss likes to see This puts them on the safe side and they can al ways add more if the rules should change at short notice So flexibility is a major topic right now As an intermediary between supply and de mand Perfect Meeting tries to create a bal ance It s about educating the parties in volved and finding workable compromises point out Angelica and Thomas Stäbler Even if the hotels have to make up for rev enue losses caused by the pandemic we ap peal to them to be generous with cancellation options Because exhibitors won t sign a contract if hotels insist on terms that are too harsh Despite the current adversities the two directors of Perfect Meeting are optimistic that things will be back to normal in the trade show industry soon They compare it to the financial crisis of 2008 2009 At the time the strategy of cutting costs and hosting every thing online only lasted six months For most decision makers the tactile experience and face to face communication are still impor tant For this reason Angelica and Thomas Stäbler have no worries that the event busi ness will soon be back on its tried and tested track www perfect meeting de PB TRADE FAIR SERVICES Exhibitors are eager for face to face Due to the pandemic exhibitors are now finding it more difficult to plan hotel bookings If everything goes well things should be very much back to normal by 2022 Angelica und Thomas Stäbler haben keine Sorge dass es im Veranstaltungsge schäft bald wieder in die bewährte Richtung geht Angelica and Thomas Stäbler have no worries that the event business will soon be back on its tried and tested track Ph ot o P er fe ct M ee tin g
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