O rganisers visitors and exhibitors ex pressed their satisfaction with the new concept according to Messe München which organised IAA Mo bility together with the German Association of the Automotive Industry VDA for the first time 744 exhibitors showed everything from cars and bicycles to digital solutions and urban air mobility options In addition there were 936 speakers from 32 countries Around 400 000 visitors came along to learn about visions for climate neutral mobility in the future The exhibitors emphasised that the transformation towards climate neutral mobility and digitalisation is well under way stressed VDA president Hildegard Müller who pointed out that over 100 ex hibitors made their debut at the event and al so referenced the many presentations on and discussions of what we will all have to con sider in the future including energy policy urban planning and digitalisation This new IAA Mobility sends a strong signal to the world that international trade fairs are possible again in Germany said Klaus Dittrich the chairman and CEO of Messe München We are able to stage major events like this safely and the protection and hygiene measures worked perfectly Both ex hibitors and visitors kept to the rules and were very understanding It was all based on a well thought out system for guiding people around the venue rigorous access control including outdoors and good venti lation in the exhibition halls Social distanc ing rules masks and the 3Gs rule which re quires everyone to prove that they have been vaccinated have had a negative test or have recovered from Covid were also in force One new aspect was that the event brought the industry into the centre of the city and thus considerable attention from the public as well A total of 260 000 square me tres of exhibition space was used 195 000 square metres of it at the trade fair centre it self and a further 65 000 square metres in the city centre A total of 255 vehicles were used on the Blue Lane a route for environmental ly friendly vehicles that ran through the city on which around 7 000 test drives were booked The city of Munich and state of Bavaria both showed great commitment to the project according to Messe München But it s not as if they don t get anything in return major events make a significant con tribution to the economic strength of the re gion by bringing in indirect revenue IAA Mobility will continue to be an important economic factor in Munich in future assert ed Dittrich The international media coverage in 2021 led to over 137 billion page views around the world IAA Mobility s social medial channels enjoyed around 140 million page views Videos on YouTube and TikTok alone were clicked 38 million times China the US South Korea Brazil Spain Italy and of course Germany were the countries where the event was reported on most intensively The next IAA Mobility will be held from 5 to 10 September 2023 in Munich The organis ers are hoping for a pandemic free event If travel restrictions are removed there ought to be more exhibitors and visitors from abroad next time The IAA website is being developed into a digital platform www iaa de PB FOCUS IAA MOBILITY Visions for climate neutral vehicles Just a few weeks ago an innovative event finished in Munich Billed as the platform for the mobility of the future it brought together a number of different modes of transport Eine mexikanische Delegation besuchte die IAA Mobility A delegation from Mexico visited the IAA Mobility Ph ot o M es se M ün ch en VD A
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