T he pandemic may have closed show rooms but DHL Global Event Logistics kicked into high gear to innovate a so lution The subsidiary of DHL Freight has already made a name for itself with on line internal events such as DPDHL Group CEO Frank Appel s virtual roadshows and DHL Freight CEO Uwe Brinks virtual town hall sessions and management conferences The green screen room in the Post Tower in Bonn Germany is another example These are just some of the many digital innovations developed by the team led by Johnny Primer ano Head of Scenic Events and Patrick Aßelborn Head of Media Event Technolo gy in response to the coronavirus pandemic Now their 360 imaging solution is being used for the first time by an external cus tomer and it s a big success Wunderlich a leading manufacturer of BMW motorbike ac cessories based in Grafschaft Ringen near Bonn is using the technology to show off its showroom in a virtual environment that s every biker s dream Picture perfect space and motorbike products Step right in Despite the lockdown a pro fessional interactive showroom keeps the customers coming It can also be used as a unique location for live events such as in house exhibits and meet ups for bike enthu siasts Johnny Primerano and his team pho tographed every square inch of the space We really got the showroom to look per fect says Sven Cremer Event Manager at Wunderlich It took only a few key steps to capture the ultimate beauty shots of the BMW bikes and their premium accessories The images were captured with a mapping trolley that takes 360 shots at regular intervals We took the photos in winter so we had to shoot quickly because the technology requires a certain amount of light says Primerano The footage was assembled with special software by the team at DHL Global Event Logistics in Gremberghoven near Cologne to create the virtual showroom In our collaboration with the team from DHL Global Event Lo gistics we were im pressed by their strong customer focus and the transparency they brought to the task says Mirco Savic Head of Online Marketing at Wunderlich Among other things he devel oped the landing pages for the showroom From gas tank pro tector bars to luggage racks each detail of every bike is in razor sharp focus We want visitors to be able to walk all the way around the bikes just as they would in the real showroom explains Primerano For us that meant maintaining a distance of at least 1 5 meters for the shots with the mapping trol ley At the click of a mouse or a tap on the screen visitors can navigate past the motor cycle displays and browse through shelves of accessories Originally Wunderlich wanted us to create a virtual version of one of their existing trade fair booths says Primerano But during our talks it became clear that the showroom was the better option The atmos phere simply comes across better that way Sven Cremer is happy with the result With all its functionalities such as integra tion with our online store and the chat func tion our interactive showroom is something I haven t seen anywhere else in this form The virtual showroom combines a sensa tional exhibit of top class motorbikes and Grade A service for customers Thanks to Wunderlich s virtual showroom bikes and accessories are just a click away Bikers can now easily gear up their custom accessorized motorcycles for a great new touring season For further information visit us at event lo gistics dhl Tobias Buchwald 11 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 2021 ANZEIGE Virtual showroom for BMW motorbikes DHL Global Event Logistics makes it possible
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