stand out for their low weight and very high load bearing capacity for example under snow They are primarily used in the con struction industry Solid sheets also called solid panels come in a variety of thicknesses colours and properties They are mostly used in manu facturing but also in construction stand building and for LED applications Both sheet types are ideal for creating partition walls 32 TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2021 F arewell Makrolon hello Exolon Any one who orders the familiar polycar bonate sheets in future will get them under a brand name that reflects the identity of their supplier The Exolon Group is a young company with a long tradition see box Its core product are the polycar bonate plastic sheets formerly known as Makrolon The multiwall sheet range will be re branded in May 2021 with solid sheets fol lowing suit in July 2021 Multiwall sheets consist of two or more layers that are con nected by so called webs with air gaps inbe tween They are available as a tunnel struc ture or in various geometries The sheets International Federation of Exhibition Events Services N E W S Exhibitions in 2021 22 a global outlook As an international association IFES In ternational Federation of Exhibitionand Event Services gets insights into many trade fairs markets worldwide For our global outlook Justin Hawes president of IFES MD of Scan Display South Africa talked to IFES members from 5 continents Across the globe exhibitions are on hold with little certainty on when they will be able to resume The exception is the Middle East which seems to have been better able to stem the spread of the virus Many or ganisers have developed online platforms to continue working However these have not been successful Uta Goretzky execu tive director of IFES believes that exhibi tions work because face to face meetings engender trust quickly and effectively al lowing business to proceed It is much harder to build trust online Since the global industry has largely been paused there is a pent up demand for trade shows UFI s research also reveals that more value is now placed on face to face marketing Yet the unknowns around vac cine efficacy and how long it will take con sumer confidence and marketing budgets to return make it hard to know when exhi bitions will resume Across the board it is agreed that events will begin locally fol lowed by regionally and then international ly They will likely be smaller with fewer visi tors at least initially and will depend on technology to improve both safety and reach What next It is hard to plan for a future when so much is uncertain But the continued push to re open the industry is critical We need to be able to get back to business as soon as pos sible Once we have the green light it will take time to organise shows and gain the confidence and support they need to suc ceed We cannot afford more delays More insights into trade fairs markets worldwide www ifesnet com category blog Von einer Konzernsparte zum Mittelstand Die Firmen und Marken Historie im Jahres Überblick 2000 Das Sheet Europe Business wird als ein Joint Venture zwischen Bayer AG und Röhm GmbH gegründet und besteht aus den Firmen Axxis Belgien Carbolux Italien und Degussa Deutschland 2003 Namenswechsel zu Bayer Sheet Europe mit Sitz in Darmstadt 100 prozen tiges Tochterunternehmen der Bayer MaterialScience Leverkusen 2011 Namenswechsel zu Bayer Material Science GmbH 2015 Konsolidierung des europäischen Plattengeschäfts und Integration in den Bayer Konzern September 2015 Ausgliede rung der Bayer MaterialScience Kunststoff sparte und Gründung der Covestro Gruppe 2019 Covestro veräußert sein europäisches Kunststoffplatten Geschäft an die Serafin Unternehmensgruppe eine diversifiziert auf gestellte Unternehmensgruppe aus Mün chen Die Exolon Group wird gegründet und führt das Steg und Massivplattengeschäft ab Januar 2020 fort 2021 Der seit Jahren etablierte Markenna me der Makrolon Kunststoffplatten wird in Exolon geändert um eine stärkere Markt durchdringung des neuen Unternehmens zu erreichen STAND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Makrolon becomes Exolon Same product but different name Makrolon polycarbon ate sheets are now called Exolon PRACTICE
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