Transport logistics 4 0 involves data and net work based efficient decentralised flexible and agile transport planning and control To enable all players in the transport process to really benefit from this it is necessary not only to digitise but also to truly network transport processes in future Logistics providers take digitalisation very seriously They discuss supply chain is sues with the industry Blockchain green en ergy drones and low cost sensor solutions in the warehouse big data analytics in risk as sessment and inspiration from logistics start ups are just a few of the topics in their dia logue The use of artificial intelligence plat form economics drones and driverless vehi cles will enable entirely new business models and innovative strategies in trade logistics There is a huge potential for this According to the experts logistics will be the first in dustry to see the mass adoption of AI processes The future of logistics belongs to intelligent machines be it algorithms classic robots or driverless transport systems Digitisation means above all that processes increasingly run simultaneously Aspects such as just in time fully automated transport scheduling transport management software systems slot systems or intelligent traffic management will be created by the in teraction of different systems Suppliers say can book time slots for loading and unload ing their vehicles at the venue On slot allo cation the vehicle will be assigned a loading box there to which it will then navigate At the same time staff required for loading and unloading as well as forklifts are already booked This eliminates unnecessary waiting times as deliveries can overlap And typical planning bottlenecks are systematically kept to a minimum in this way ensuring greater efficiency and greater satisfaction for cus tomers and providers Only this interlocking of systems enables true networking and au tomatic AI supported planning Europfast is aiming for a global network ing of its systems by 2030 Customers will be able to commission Europfast with logistics services anywhere In future these services are to be linked even more precisely with the customers procurement systems Huge in vestments in a global full service will be ac companied by ISO 27001 certification until 2025 This will guarantee information securi ty and data protection for customers Plus In 2030 placing an order for a logistics service will be just as simple as ordering a pizza or a taxi online The time scope transport set up and dismantling of a trade fair stand can be planned by mobile phone and progress mon itored in real time on a dashboard Individual requirements and demands such as customs clearance climate neutral service route plan ning and special freight conditions can be booked with one click This user friendliness will save customers time and money At Europfast we are currently in the process of digitising route planning for our customers With our planning tool users will in future be able to plan and track their routes themselves By 2030 all successful trade fair logistics companies will offer their customers a digitally controlled full service from trans port to dismantling and disposal of the trade fair stand Exhibitors stand builders caterers and riggers will coordinate their needs with the exhibition logistics provider online Orders will no longer be split but realised as an agile project with a uniform service Europfast is al so following this approach aiming to estab lish a collaboration platform by 2025 As a first step we will open up our automatic scheduling system for bookings by customers partners and service providers Our aim is to create a communication network in this way www europfast com Güray Saritas is managing director of Europfast Internationale Spedition Neuhausen near Stuttgart A long version of this article was published in the book Die Zukunft von Messen Kongressen und Events by TFI Verlagsgesellschaft in March 2021 www tfi publications com 28 TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2021 Auch der Einsatz von Drohnen unterstützt neue Geschäftsmodelle und innovative Strategien in der Handelslogistik The use of drones also enables new business models and innovative strategies in trade logistics Ph ot o iS to ck
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