dustry given that in person events could gather momentum in the second half of the year We are optimistic that at least some events will be able to take place offline again in 2021 declares Kati Rittberger the manag ing director of Xing Events Hybrid events are the ideal thing in the current circum stances she emphasises But if you want to organise hybrid events you need user friendly tools that do the work for you The processes involved in combining two events are significantly more complex as she points out We are supporting this trend by adapt ing our online registration argues Rittber ger Creating online offline or hybrid events could hardly be simpler Thanks to the tickets for the offline cate gory the organisers of hybrid events see ex actly who can be checked in at the venue which is a contactless procedure based on QR codes At the same time if contact trac ing subsequently becomes necessary this can be done very easily The time check in terminal or entrance area are noted automat ically If it becomes necessary to switch an offline or hybrid event to a purely online event this is no problem The venue can be easily amended As soon as the link to the online event has been added the participants are automatically notified and given the re quired access details Events that were origi nally offline or online can be converted into hybrid events at a click by simply changing the venue or entering a URL www xing events com de hybrid PB 14 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2 2021 What are the oppor tunities offered by hybrid events Participants can attend them some times more than one a day withouthaving to arrange and pay for travel or accommodation Those who like to at tend a live physical event can do that and network in person provided they comply with whatever social distancing and hy giene guidelines are in place Event organisers can give their partici pants speakers and sponsors the opportu nity to attend a live event and network in the real world The venues will finally be filled with life again Moreover this combi nation of an on site and online event offers scope for varied and engaging content Groups of people in the room provide a bit of live atmosphere and online participants on a video wall for example give the event a contemporary feel Exhibitors want to generate leads reach as many people as possible and at tract as much attention as they can The mix of an online and on site event makes that possible particularly when they want to attract participants from all over the world who perhaps don t yet have permis sion to travel or are not keen to go abroad The content produced at a hybrid event is also more varied Exhibitors receive the recordings of the virtual component as well as the live photos and videos of the actual physical event source Xing Events Die Teilnehmenden erhalten je nach Auswahl ein Einlassticket oder Zugangsdaten zum Online Tool Depending on selection attendees receive an admission ticket or access data for the online tool Ph ot o X in g Ev en ts G et ty Im ag es Xing Event Manager einfache Anpassung des Veranstaltungsorts ganz leicht mög lich Xing Event Manager simple venue customisation made easy Ph ot o X in g Ev en ts
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