erstellung inklusive Designentwürfen 3D Renderings und der Entwicklung einer vir tuellen Tour Für jeden Aussteller wurden ge mäß seiner Anforderungen eigens ein vir tueller Stand gestaltet und die zu präsentie renden Informationen entsprechend digital aufgearbeitet Nach sechs Wochen intensiver Arbeit waren insgesamt acht Messestände bereit virtuell Besucher zu empfangen Die virtuelle Umgebung wurde an das Foyer des Bonner Post Towers den Konzernsitz ange lehnt Und auch die Messestände erinnerten in Gestaltung und Platzierung an die physi schen Messen im Unternehmenssitz in den Jahren zuvor Dadurch sollte die making IT easy Messe einen hohen Wiedererken nungswert erhalten Damit ging das Bestre ben einher sowohl die Akzeptanz als auch die emotionale Aktivierung der Besucher noch weiter zu steigern Die Messegäste hatten nicht nur die Mög lichkeit jeden Stand einzeln zu besuchen Sie konnten außerdem speziell angebotenen Skype Sessions beitreten um sich mit ande ren Kollegen und dem Standpersonal auszu tauschen Zusätzlich wurden weitere Inhalte in Form von Videos Präsentationen oder an deren Dokumenten on demand zur Verfü gung gestellt alles getreu dem grundlegen den Ziel der Messe den Dialog zwischen Endanwendern und IT Experten zu fördern www event logistics dhl PB S ince 2016 making IT has been staged once a year usually after the summer holidays in Bonn s Post Tower Since a physical event was not possible this year the first virtual edition was launched Thanks to the cooperation between DHL Global Event Logistics DHL IT Services and IT Corporate Functions it saw a great turnout Over 3 000 visitors attended the post and lo gistics group s in house IT fair and were in for a novel trade show experience despite the Coronavirus driven ban on events And there was a lot to see and enjoy From virtual exhi bition stands through digital product presen tations to interactive audience communica tion offerings were featured that spanned all departments DHL Global Event Logistics was in charge of technical implementation The group s in ternal exhibition and event logistics supplier had received an inquiry for the making IT easy event in early May and felt inspired right away to develop a completely virtual trade fair A special project team was set up to coordinate all activities They ranged from formulating the concept to connecting all the participating divisions technically and align ing everything with the organisers The first step was to create a concept in cluding draft designs 3D renderings and the development of a virtual tour A virtual stand was designed for each exhibitor according to their requirements and the information to be presented was digitalised After six weeks of hard work a total of eight exhibition stands were ready to receive virtual visitors The vir tual setting was modelled on the foyer of Bonn s Post Tower the Group s headquarters The exhibition stands were also designed and positioned in a manner that evoked the in person events held at the company s HQ in previous years This was to render mak ing IT easy instantly recognisable with the aim of further enhancing the acceptance and emotional engagement of the visitors Attendees not only had the opportunity to visit each stand individually They could also join special Skype sessions in order to communicate with other colleagues and stand personnel In addition further content in the form of videos presentations or other documents was made available on demand all in keeping with the basic aim of the event to promote a dialogue between end users and IT experts www event logistics dhl PB 41TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 PRACTICE TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS Novel experience September saw the digital edition of the virtual making IT easy Summer Fair of Deutsche Post DHL Group In previous years this had been an in person event Die Stände erinnerten in Gestaltung und Platzierung an die physischen Messen in den Jahren zuvor The stands were designed and positioned in a manner that evoked the in person events of previous years Ph ot o D eu ts ch e Po st D H L G ro up Die virtuelle Umge bung der making IT easy wurde an das Foyer des Bonner Post Towers den Konzern sitz angelehnt The virtual setting of making IT easy was modelled on the foyer of Bonn s Post Tower the Group s HQ Ph ot o D eu ts ch e Po st D H L G ro up
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