T he event centre at Hong Kong Interna tional Airport on the island of Chek Lap Kok is currently a hive of activity We are investing in new technologies an intelligent sterilisation robot for exam ple reports AWE CEO Irene Chan The ro bot eliminates germs and viruses We are al so engaged in a comprehensive programme of improvements to upgrade our facilities and make sure visitors have an even better experience at AWE she adds In addition they are continuing to work on soft factors so as to be even more attractive to organisers in future AsiaWorld Expo stands to benefit from a recently launched subsidy scheme for Hong Kong s exhibition and convention in dustry The Hong Kong government an nounced details of this at the beginning of October says Chan who is clearly very pleased about it It will support the MICE industry to the tune of over a billion Hong Kong dollars around 110 million euros The programme will offer financial as sistance to all exhibition organisers whose event takes up more than 1 200 square me tres of exhibition space Organisers of inter national conventions involving more than 400 delegates of whom at least half must come from outside Hong Kong will also ben efit These organisers will receive a 100 per cent venue rental subsidy explains Chan It applies to events held at AsiaWorld Expo in the coming year Organisers of postponed exhibitions and conventions will also benefit from this new subsidy provided they hold their event during the promotion period Hong Kong s government provided more good news in October when it agreed a bilat eral air travel bubble with Singapore making it much easier for passengers in both direc tions to enter the country Discussions are already under way with other countries such as Japan Thailand Vietnam Malaysia and New Zealand in an effort to reach similar agreements with them continues Chan This is good news and gives us hope for a positive and better year in 2021 On 1 August AsiaWorld Expo was desig nated as a temporary community treatment facility for Covid 19 patients It was switched back to standby mode on 18 Sep tember following the gradual stabilisation of the Covid 19 situation here explains Chan who welcomed the opportunity to support the local community As a caring company we felt honoured to be of service at such a critical time she adds emphasising the company s commitment to living up to its corporate social responsibilities They are very much looking forward to AWE clients being able to experience the hygiene meas ures they have put in place and the up grades they have made to the facilities We can t wait says Chan www asiaworld expo com PB 35TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG A better year ahead in 2021 AsiaWorld Expo AWE is getting ready for the global MICE industry to bounce back Organisers will benefit from state financial support Die Chefin der AsiaWorld Expo Irene Chan beob achtet wie ihre Mitarbeiter für Desinfektion und Sterilisation sorgen Irene Chan CEO of AsiaWorld Expo watches her staff perform disinfec tion and sterilisa tion measures Ph ot o A si aW or ld E xp o
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