O rganisers worldwide are responding to Covid 19 Many events have turned into virtual or hybrid formats in the short term observes Gernot Ringling This appears to be the right deci sion at this stage says the managing director of Messe Düs seldorf Asia MDA based in Singapore Most attendees still lack the confidence for travel and large gatherings Even in South East Asia travel and border restrictions quarantine requirements and mass gathering bans are in place varying greatly from region to region This has an impact on the respective trade fairs Singapore for instance There MICE activities require approval from the relevant authorities and are subject to attendance caps MDA is therefore hosting its forthcoming Medical Fair Asia as a digital edition from 9 to 18 December with a rich international con ference programme The event could not be postponed to 2021 as Medical Fair Thailand is scheduled for September 2021 the medical equipment fair alternates annually between Singapore and Bangkok In contrast Singapore s OS H is on a biennial cycle The occupa tional health and safety fair was originally scheduled to co locate with Medical Fair Asia OS H Asia s target audience comes largely from the building and construction sector says Gernot Ringling And with the sector s challenging economic performance we felt it was in the best interest of participants to reschedule the exhibition to 2021 Messe Düsseldorf Asia also decided to postpone events in other regions of South East Asia from 2020 to 2021 They include the three exhibitions Indopack Indoprint and Indoplas which are based in Jakarta as well as Plastics Rubber Vietnam In contrast a virtual edi tion of Pack Print Plas was recently launched in the Philippines Very broadly speaking the decisions and approaches are based on three factors says Gernot Ringling The unique sit uations in each of these countries the profile of the exhibition and the specific sectors they serve Despite the rather difficult current situ ation the CEO of MDA looks ahead to 2021 optimistically In person interactions will re main powerful and are unlikely to be replaced by virtual events in a dominant way mda messe dusseldorf com PB 33TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 INTERNATIONAL SINGAPORE Response to the pandemic Messe Düsseldorf Asia has been operating in Southeast Asia for 25 years with a pres ence in five countries Its trade fairs are currently being postponed or transformed into virtual events Ph ot o M es se D üs se ld or f A si a
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