A s per the figures of the International Monetary Fund IMF India is posting minus growth this year This is no surprise says Ravinder Sethi man aging director of the logistics company R E Rogers India But with corrective fiscal measures coming in place we expect a turn around from early 2021 He again refers to IMF figures which predict growth of over 8 per cent for India in 2021 2022 He believes that companies from abroad will return to In dia with their business In the same breath Ravinder Sethi praises the government for making phenomenal reforms Our country will come out of these troubled times with amazing results Correspondingly the trade fairs that serve as a platform for face to face contacts will return with great gusto and a big bang I expect a big boom by as early as mid to late 2021 At present the pandemic has been more or less a lost year for the Indian trade fair in dustry There have been no exhibitions since February this year reports Ravinder Sethi We now have official reopening per mission from mid October obviously under strict Covid protocols He expects the first shows by December As with global trends they would be domestic to start with but that ll change when global travel restrictions are relaxed Logistics companies like Rogers India are badly affected by the cancellation of trade shows The company had to adapt to the new situation and was rather success ful considering the difficult circumstances Seven months ago we ventured and per fected work from home reports Ravinder Sethi He initially saw this as only a tempo rary model for survival However We never thought the lockdown with relaxations now would last so long Nevertheless instead of waiting the com pany took action The core team of Rogers India had a meticulous game plan in place at the very outset of the crisis and it was suc cessful In the initial period our main con cern was to look after the health and safety of our employees and their families says Ravinder Sethi Simultaneously we went in to survival mode for business While exhi bition logistics lay idle his company had oth er verticals in play special freight and defence among others From day one of the lockdown we aggressively strengthened these businesses At the same time the company was in constant touch with all its stakeholders in the exhibition industry or ganisers venues exhibitors suppliers and global partners For the future Sethi therefore sees R E Rogers India in a better position But there will still be a small change com pared to the time before the pandemic Work from home is not temporary and will not disappear post Covid It will remain part of our lives at least to some extent www rogersworldwideindia com PB 26 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 INTERNATIONAL INDIA Work from home and big bang No different from any other country around the world India s economy is suffering from the Covid 19 crisis But by 2021 things will pick up again and trade fairs could see a boom Während die Messe logistik covidbedingt brach lag hatte das Rogers Team noch andere Eisen im Feuer While exhibition logistics lay idle the Rogers team had other verticals in play Ph ot o R E R og er s In di a
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