gentlichen Messeöffnungszeiten hinaus mög lich 24 Stunden am Tag während der gesam ten Laufzeit der Construma Dieses zusätzli che Angebot muss keine Eintagsfliege blei ben sondern könnte bei künftigen Veranstal tungskonzepten berücksichtigt werden Um zusätzliche Besucher zu erreichen testen wir gether with HomeDesign showed how much such face to face events are needed We as trade fair organisers strongly believe in per sonal presence and relationship building underlines Gábor Ganczer We are con vinced that business life that the economy has to go on argues Hungexpo s CEO And that requires events like this Construma 2020 was a case in point Many exhibiting companies had posted qualified enquiries and most visitors had come with very specif ic objectives Hungexpo made every effort to adapt to the new normal by enlarging the show A virtual space was created for all those who did not want to take part in per son due to health reasons There exhibitors and visitors could meet without the risk of possible infection With the help of virtual platforms it was also possible to download information even outside the event s opening hours 24 7 on all days of the physical exhibition This will not necessarily be a one off service but could al so be incorporated in future event concepts In order to reach a wider range of visitors we are testing this form as a first step towards a hybrid exhibition model said Gábor Ganczer at the opening Based on feedback from exhibitors and visitors we have gathered a lot of useful experience for organising future exhibitions he added on the closing day of Construma www hungexpo hu PB 24 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 INTERNATIONAL HUNGARY Belief in personal presence This spring Construma 2020 had to be postponed due to Covid 19 Now six months later the construction fair has been held successfully A lmost 150 exhibitors took part in the industry event in the Hungarian capi tal of Budapest from 7 to 11 October Due to the pandemic exhibitor and visitor figures were on balance lower than at the previous edition However under these particular circumstances it is not the naked figures that count The mere fact that Con struma was able to take place at all was a re markable achievement in itself says the or ganiser Hungexpo given that several tradi tional exhibitions with similar themes in oth er countries have been postponed indefinite ly this year Observing the strictest hygiene rules and safety standards Construma staged to diese Form als ersten Schritt in Richtung eines hybriden Messe modells hatte Gábor Ganczer bei der Messeeröffnung for muliert Auf der Basis des Feedbacks von Ausstellern und Besuchern haben wir viele wertvolle Erfahrungen für die Durchführung künftiger Messen gesammelt bekräftigte der Hungexpo Chef am Schlusstag der Constru ma www hungexpo hu PB Construma 2020 Wirtschaft und Geschäftsleben müssen am Laufen gehalten werden betont Hungexpo Chef Gábor Ganczer Construma 2020 We are convin ced that business life that the economy has to go on argues Hungexpo s CEO Gábor Ganczer Ph ot o H un ge xp o Verschärfte Hygieneregeln und Sicherheits standards bei der Construma Strictest hygiene rules and safety standards at Construma Ph ot o H un ge xp o
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