triert Abschließend möchten wir noch eini ge Tipps für das Networking vor und nach Online Events mit auf den Weg geben Wie auch bei realen Ereignissen können Sie die Teilnehmer vor und nach dem Event unter einander vernetzen beispielsweise indem Sie offene Gästelisten auf Ihrer Xing Eventseite crophones switched on in a smaller virtual room everyone participating can both see and hear everyone else and network with them How to enable people to network with each other You can bring exhibitors sponsors and speakers together with the help of the fol lowing ideas steps and tools Questions during the live stream Encourage the participants to ask their ques tions or make comments live during the stream using the chat function Try questions such as Who here is from region XY to get the networking started with some small talk One to one text chatting Enable your participants to have a one to one chat with you or each other Text chatting for groups Participants who don t know other partici pants find it much easier to join in with Networking typically happens at real in person events But it s also possible todo it online it just works a little differ ently There are various options available to organisers Who do you want networking with whom Think in advance about who you want to network with whom What is the aim of your online event As the organiser do you want to generate leads for your exhibitors and sponsors If so it s important to enable your participants to network with the ex hibitors Do you want participants to be able to get to know each other or nurture their contacts If so you need to facilitate net working between them You could also focus on getting participants to network with spe cific speakers or artists Let s assume you want to generate leads for your exhibitors In that case you need tools that facilitate com munication with these exhibitors text or video chats for example Choose tools that make it easy for your participants to contact the exhibitors Solutions that enable one to one conversations based on the calendars of those involved are particularly suitable If one of the two people is currently in another video session or offline a calendar based tool indicates he or she is not available Do you want your participants to network with each other Then you have to connect them up with each other in a group You can do that through interests based matchmaking or in breakout rooms for example When peo ple have interests in common one of these tools will send them into the same video room at a particular time You use breakout rooms to allow speakers to network with a small group of participants after delivering an online talk With their cameras and mi groups if they have already been discussing the same things with each other Attractive accompanying programmes Whether you decide to offer exercise breaks real gift boxes photo challenges joint cock tail mixing jingle singing or one of the many other possible options shared activities like these allow the participants to experience something as a group While they are en gaged in them they can interact either based on being able to see and hear each other or by using social media If you come up with a hashtag and promote it well the participants will be able to find each other online almost automatically Setting up networking areas Make networking an integral part of your event and set aside times for it in your event s agenda or in your trade fair plan if you are organising a virtual trade fair Ex plain in advance which tools are going to be used for the coffee or networking breaks and how to use them Technical prerequisites It s already very easy to implement network ing at online events through text chatting This feature is often already provided by your video conference tool or in your event platform If the IT solution you ve chosen doesn t offer it you can add free live chat tools to your platform with just a few clicks The same applies to video chats Let your participants know in good time what kind of networking they can expect Some of them will want to tidy up or groom themselves in preparation for the camera or familiarise themselves with the chat tool Networking before and after online events Up to now we have been focusing on net working during an online event To conclude we would like to leave you with a few tips for networking before and after online events As with in person events you can enable the participants to network before and after the event for example by enabling open guest lists on your Xing event page or inviting par ticipants to join communities and groups for the event Alternatively you can offer and en courage networking in special event apps When it comes to networking in connection with online events it s possible to find a suit able IT solution for most requirements 18 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 How can networking be made to work at online events ermöglichen oder Teilnehmer zu Communi ties und Gruppen zum Event einladen Alter nativ können Sie Networking in darauf spe zialisierten Event Apps anbieten und fördern Generell gilt für das Netzwerken im Rahmen von Online Events Für viele Anforderungen gibt es eine passende IT Lösung Expert Bettina Knauer Content marketing PR manager Xing Events Contact bettina knauer xing com
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