N ormally over 1 300 events a year from small parties to large galas benefit from the park s relaxed charm and appealing ambience Eu ropa Park and the adjacent hotel resort offer over 30 rooms for events ranging from 26 to 3 000 square metres in size But it is not just its many event venues that enable Germany s largest theme park to meet the current chal lenges so well there is also its impressive in frastructure To ensure that guests can con tinue to enjoy themselves without a care a range of measures have been taken to min imise the risk of infection Protecting their guests and staff from the virus have the highest priority for Europa Park s management Comprehensive hygiene measures and the social distancing rules are implemented throughout the 13 000 square metres of event space The strict safety arrangements and the health and hygiene plans are in line with the current regulations of the local district of Ortenaukreis and the government of the state of Baden Württem berg Updated seating plans take into ac count the new safety distances and larger aisle widths The technical equipment avail able in the meeting rooms provides the ben efits of modern means of communication in cluding live streaming and digital links to other locations Due to the fast changing sit uation with regard to the virus Europa Park has also altered its cancellation periods al lowing events to be cancelled at much short er notice In addition to putting these comprehen sive safety and hygiene plans in place Eu ropa Park Confertainment has also adapted what it offers and introduced innovative for mats For those who appreciate great food and entertainment there is a particular high light in store the popular Europa Park Din ner Show which is moving into the spacious Europa Park Arena shortly and will be run ning until February In this breathtaking set ting guests can expect an exquisite four course menu from Michelin two star chef Pe ter Hagen Wiest plus masterly artistic per formances live music and comedy Confertainment as the name suggests combines conferences with entertainment The concept was developed at Europa Park in 1998 and has been very well received ever since Despite the current situation the park is still the ideal place to mix work with a va riety of forms of entertainment Close coop eration with clients and custom programmes guarantee special experiences even during the Covid 19 pandemic Europa Park offers rooms for every occasion with over 30 ven ues in the park itself and its six themed hotels Whether you go for a rustic beer cellar ambience a picturesque mirror tent dating back to the 1920s or a for mal classical atmosphere in the Ball saal Berlin there is a wide range of op tions Clients whether private or corpo rate can thus choose the right setting and shape their event to suit their own requirements There are many different venues to choose from in the hotels the park and the Europa Park Confertain ment Centre The Europa Park Dome has plenty of space for large events es pecially when the foyer is included The modern Europa Park Arena is also ideal for large events offering 3 000 square metres of space This modern multi purpose hall can be easily configured to suit different clients requirements When the day is over there are some wonderful options available in what is Germany s largest hotel resort You can choose to immerse yourself in Scandinavia southern Europe or early new England in one of the park s six lovingly realised themed hotels All of these 4 star superior hotels al low guests to escape from their everyday lives and simply let go They also offer large wellness and spa centres that are an invita tion to just relax Comprehensive safety and hygiene rules are of course also adhered to throughout the Europa Park Hotel Resort www confertainment de EP 16 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2020 CONGRESSES Meetings and parties free of concerns For years now the Europa Park theme park has been known far beyond Germany s borders as a first class place to stage events Even during the pandemic a variety of events can be held here provided restrictions at the time are not too harsh Coronakonformer Ballsaal Berlin im Europa Park Covid 19 compliant Berlin ballroom at Europa Park Ph ot o E ur op a Pa rk
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