S cientific congresses have already had to meet high standards for years When doctors meet to share and up date their knowledge in their speciality area for example live broadcasts from the operating theatre may be required Stefan Lohnert managing director of Messe Stutt gart is well aware of how diverse his cus tomers needs are It depends on what the event is all about Is it for staff training purposes will customers be invited or is it about sharing scientific knowledge he cites possible contents and goals of his cus tomers The Stuttgart team is technically pre pared for everything Our equipment meets our customers requirements and is of a very high standard With Neumann Müller we have a service partner at our side who can offer state of the art conference technology points out Lohnert www messe stuttgart de The event tech firm has been on the market for almost 40 years From audio through lighting video conferencing stag ing rigging event IT and content to produc tion and personnel it offers a wide range of services Due to the coronavirus crisis it was recently able to transform some conferences into digital events within a few days www neumannmueller com At Leipziger Messe Dirk Deumeland au thorised signatory of the subsidiary Fairnet has noted a further digitisation trend Or ganisers at scientific congresses increasingly want to stage the poster exhibition as an e poster area This is increasingly replacing the well known applications with wall con structions and posters attached to them As a result modern designs are appearing in these areas now from flooring to matching lighting concepts explains Deumeland We are also increasingly seeing digital presen tations for marketing sponsor areas Deume land adds A variety of formats are featured side by side Existing large advertising spaces such as the water basin at Congress Center Leipzig or banners on the glass lifts are a popular choice for eye catching presen tations In order to create additional sponsor areas for digital presentations venue opera tors need to think about how to use large LED walls in outdoor spaces and large screens indoors We are closely monitoring technical developments and also rely on the experience of the service providers in our network www fairnet de KF 8 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2020 More events than ever before Oscar Cerezales global executive vice president corporate division of the MCI Group was inter viewed in GCB FutureTalk by Matthias Schultze managing director of the German Conven tion Bureau GCB What ideas and solutions have you already come up with for events in the current crisis One thing has become quite clear The in dustry is suffering and consolidations will happen Many players are currently talking about strategy but we also need quick fix es during the crisis And we must also de vote resources to scenario planning for the future The industry will not return to its full capacity right away and organisations will make more fragmented investments Re covery requires new business models for the post crisis market plus another key resource courage What will happen in the event industry over the coming months Many players are expecting a recovery in the second half of the year However I as sume that we will still feel the impacts of the crisis in 2021 This also illustrates the key role of liquidity Hence the industry will depend on cash and subsidies to over come the crisis But we will also have to re think the role of technology What will be the long term effects of the current crisis on events and event formats I expect to see more events than ever be fore Certainly the size and formats of the events will change On the one hand I as sume that we will be seeing smaller events in the future On the other hand experi ence design whether online or offline will become increasingly important There will also be an increase in digital and mobile marketing spending CONGRESSES Trend for digital presentations Tech solutions are tipped to play an even more important role for conferences and events in future Not just due to the current pandemic situation Sponsoringflächen werden digitaler stellt die Leipziger Messe fest Sponsoring areas are becoming more digital observes Leipziger Messe Ph ot o L ei pz ig er M es se
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