tung fand auch ein interaktiver LED Boden Sprangen die Besucher drauf lief eine nahe zu echt erscheinende Animation einer zer splitternden Glasscheibe ab Weiterhin gab es eine ganze Reihe neuer Leuchtkästen zu begutachten Mit dem Alu vision Quickfix Systems lassen sie sich leicht und ohne Werkzeug montieren demontieren und transportieren Mit dem System Linear stellten die Belgier auch ein ganz neues Alu minium Konstruktionsprofil vor Seine Merk male elegante Optik und perfektes Finish Das Beleuchtungssystem Puck XL stand ebenfalls im Fokus Seine spezielle Linse ver teilt das Licht absolut gleichmäßig und wech selte dabei auf dem Stand zwischen warm weiß und kaltweiß Interessierten Standpla nern stellte Aluvision auch die neuesten Ver sionen seiner Genius Tools vor Mit dieser Software lassen sich 3D Stände im Handum drehen am Bildschirm entwickeln Stand bauer besuchen eine Messe um Erfahrungen zu gewinnen und sich an Eindrücke zu erin nern Und genau dafür hat sich Aluvision stark gemacht erklärt Jan Dumont COO von Aluvision www aluvision com JK I ts 405 square metre booth could be spot ted from afar with a height of six metres and free spans of up to eight metres It was built entirely out of the company s standard profiles What particularly captivat ed visitors was the design and colourful con tent of the Hi LED 55 video wall Aluvision offers the wall in many new radii with con vex or concave tiles Countless visitors shared videos on social networks like Instagram An immersive LED tunnel presented all the ver satile construction options of this system On ly recently it won the prestigious iF Design Award 2020 An interactive LED floor also at tracted much attention When visitors jumped on it they saw an almost real looking animation of a shattering glass pane And lots of new lightboxes were on dis play Thanks to the Aluvision Quickfix sys tem they can be easily assembled dismantled and transported without any tools The Bel gians also presented a brand new aluminium construction profile the Linear It stands out for its sleek look and perfect finish The Puck XL lighting system was another focus of at tention Its special lens delivers an even wide light distribution alternating at the stand be tween warm white and cold white Aluvision also presented the latest versions of its Ge nius tools to interested stand designers With this software they can create 3D stands on screen in next to no time Stand builders vis it an exhibition to come home with an expe rience and remember impressions And that s exactly what Aluvision is all about says Jan Dumont COO of Aluvision www aluvision com JK 49TradeFairs Internation al 2 2020 PRACTICE INTERNATIONAL STAND DESIGN Aluvision at Euro shop 2020 Let s Imagineer Aluvision the Belgian manufacturer of exhibit systems presented itself at Euroshop with a new tagline a new look and 15 new products Atelier Türke Statement for Rego Fix Apolygon wall construction with a height of six metres and width of eight metres Swissexhibitor Rego Fix caused more than just a stir with this booth It is the market leader forpremium tool holding systems as was reflected by the stand architecture The polygon is a statement We designed a walk in wall construction that epitomises Rego Fix s exceptional presence and product variety as Frank Türke explains The interlocking surfaces and sloping shapes symbolise the carefully coordinated components of the high precision manufacturer says the managing director of Atelier Türke from Balingen near Stuttgart The stand builder has been serving the customer at trade fairs in Germany for twelve years The walk in polygon attracted a lot of attention at the EMO 2019 metalworking trade show in Hannover Visitors were welcomed at a bar and counter in a wood and concrete look Behind the sheer white textile façade guests discovered a 12 square metre meet ing room and kitchen of the same size The stand area in Hanover measured 135 square metres in total and even featured product displays It can be downsized to 80 square metres and is also intended for Metav Staged in Düsseldorf this is a leading trade show for metal working and manufacturing technology Components such as wall panels furniture and prod uct elements will be reused there The new polygon wall was a special design challenge re calls Frank Türke Many different angles had to be implemented while keeping material con sumption low www atelier tuerke de Standbauer besu chen eine Messe um Erfahrungen zu gewinnen und sich an Eindrücke zu erinnern sagt Jan Dumont Stand builders visit an exhibition to come home with an experience and remember impres sions says Jan Dumont Ph ot o A lu vi si on Ph ot o A te lie r T ür ke
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