IHRE DIGITALE MESSESPEDITION VON MORGEN SCHNELL EINFACH TRANSPARENT Europfast Internationale Spedition GmbH Albstrasse 10 D 73765 Neuhausen Phone 49 0 7158 980 18 10 Fax 49 0 7158 980 18 291 messew europfast com www europfast com Als europaweit agierendes Logistikunternehmen ist Fortschritt für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit und Stillstand ein Tabu Darum sind wir aktuell dabei uns neu aufzustellen unsere Prozessabläufe zu digitalisieren das Leistungsangebot für Sie transparenter und einfacher zu gestalten und uns generell in einem neuen Licht zu präsentieren Sie sind neugierig geworden Melden Sie sich für unseren Newsletter an und erhalten Sie regelmäßig Einblicke in unseren Prozess Alternativ freuen wir uns über Ihren Kontakt egal ob telefonisch oder persönlich bei einer Tasse Café wir sind immer für Sie da Immer Up to Date mit unserem Newsletter Jetzt anmelden unter europfast com security that goods will be available to us and it forms one of the foundations of a prosperous society Of course the logistics industry is being hit by the consequences of the crisis just like other industries Although the demand for trade fairs and events is gen erally rising in the last few weeks around 1 500 trade fairs around the world have been cancelled or postponed of which 900 are in Europe and 300 in Germany as at the end of March 2020 It isn t yet possible to foresee how long this will continue The only thing we can be sure of is that the industry is faced with new challenges According to Mil ton Friedman that makes this an ideal situa tion in which to bring about genuine change But what kinds of change Well two developments will be critical to ensuring re liable logistics in future the increase of digi talisation and the associated customer fo cused way of thinking The huge potential of digitalisation not just for logistics but for the entire trade fair industry is well known real time tracking of goods in transit webcams assessment tools drones live communication with drivers ar tificial intelligence software and even driver less trucks These are just some of the inno vations that companies will need to press ahead with In some months time a number of postponed events could take place and trade fair logistics companies will be con fronted with rapidly rising demand Compa nies with a digital portfolio will benefit from that companies are become more digitalised and trade fair logistics companies are also in creasingly having to offer digital solutions The trend is towards digital process organisa tion in order to be able to offer customers a full service solution that meets their needs Design thinking methods have now become established to identify these needs In times like these we mustn t succumb to pessimism they offer the ideal circum stances in which to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead a future rich in opportuni ties for customer focused digitalised service strategies in trade fair logistics Güray Saritas is the managing director of Europfast an international carrier based in Neuhausen which is near Stuttgart www europfast com PRACTICE Messelogistiker müssen zunehmend digitale Dienstleistungen anbieten betont Güray Saritas Exhibition logistics suppliers must increasingly offer digital services points out Güray Saritas Ph ot o E ur op fa st
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