info scandinavianexhibitiongroup com www scandinavianexhibitiongroup com YOUR SCANDINAVIAN EXHIBITION PARTNER open But this does not apply to events of which almost none have been taking place since the beginning of March The current situation is very difficult for the whole exhi bition conference and event industry em phasises Björn Delin For us in Sweden as for everybody else in Europe and most of the world says the CEO of the Scandinavian Exhibition Group and founder of Nice Events All activities have been cancelled and the Swedish government has forbidden all events with more than 50 people He and his team are now focusing on rescheduling all spring shows until autumn It is a difficult task to ensure that the exhi bitions get good time slots reports Delin Because other organisers are competing for the same slots He believes that it could take until August before the first trade fairs can take place again Hopefully he adds Of course nobody knows how this corona crisis will develop He claims there are signs that the number of infected persons will decrease slowly No one knows for sure Björn Delin adds cautiously Our focus is to stay healthy and be prepared when the market opens up again He considered it interesting to speculate how things will continue in the Scandina vian events industry after this extreme situa tion Not all companies would be able to survive and there would be more mergers and acquisitions and more joint ventures in line with the overall strategy of creating stronger companies he predicts Has this an ticipated the upheaval that would have come from digital transformation Everybody seems to work on digital events now ob serves Björn Delin Either to replace a can celled event or as a complement to a post poned exhibition he adds We do the lat ter being just about to launch a virtual con sumer bicycle show This is a service for the market while a new autumn date is be ing sought for the physical show Delin be lieves that the trend for new digital formats will continue after the crisis Not in all business sectors but in many It will be a combination of physical shows being re placed by virtual ones and virtual shows ex isting alongside the physical www scandi navianexhibitiongroup com PB 15TradeFairs Internation al 2 2020 INTERNATIONAL Björn Delin glaubt dass der Hang zur Einführung neuer digitaler Formate nach der Krise anhält Björn Delin believes that the trend for introducing new digital formats will continue after the crisis
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