T he Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi re cently published its programme of trade fairs abroad for 2021 A total of 282 German joint stands are planned in 56 countries The programme was approved at the spring meeting of the working group for participation in trade fairs abroad of AUMA the As sociation of the German Trade Fair Industry Due to the coronavirus the meeting took the form of a video conference held on 1 April The most important target markets in 2021 are again South East and Cen tral Asia 111 joint stands are planned for trade fairs there including 53 in China and Hong Kong Other important target regions include the non EU European countries 47 trade fairs Almost 80 percent of the non EU European events in the programme will be held in Russia 37 Then comes North America with 31 joint stands at trade fairs followed by the Mid dle East with 27 30 joint German stands are planned at trade fairs in Africa and there will be 21 in Latin America Additional German pavilions will be added by this autumn according to AUMA The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has allocated an ini tial budget of around 45 5 million euros for the programme of joint stands at trade fairs abroad in 2021 1 5 million euros of that is allo cated to joint stands at ten additional trade fairs in Africa as part of the federal government s African initiative Given how difficult the current situation is for companies the Fed eral Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has significantly im proved the terms and conditions of participation at joint stands These may even be extended into next year The process for choosing the trade fairs at which there will be joint German stands revolves around AUMA s working group on participation in trade fairs abroad which submits proposals annually to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy for inclusion in its programme of trade fairs abroad The work ing group is made up of representatives from export oriented German industry associations the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as well as the Federal Foreign Office and the federal states The latest detailed information on the trade fairs in the programme is on the AUMA web site at www auma de Auslandsmesseprogramm In the association s database of trade fairs they are marked with the letters AMP PB Messe Düsseldorf GmbH P O Box 10 10 06 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel 49 211 4560 01 Fax 49 211 4560 668 www messe duesseldorf de When heart meets business Every new encounter has a certain vibrancy Global players and local heroes find themselves inextricably drawn to one another New perspectives open up and the world feels somehow enlarged And business finds the one it s been looking for www messe duesseldorf com umd2002 LaF 102x280 3 INT indd 1 23 04 20 14 32 13 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2020 GERMAN FAIRS ABROAD Participation planned at 282 trade fairs worldwide Companies with products carrying the Made in Germany label will again be able to exhibit at trade fairs abroad next year on favourable terms They can do this by participating in joint national stands
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