T he 89th edition of this superlative event took place last March with over 200 exhibited vehicles 660 000 visitors and more than 150 world and European premieres So well organised logis tics were vital This year again we trans ported at least 170 lorry loads of stand con struction material to the fair and back re ports Matthias Griemsmann In total we are talking about some 300 lorry transports ex plains the project manager for motor shows at Panexpo Logistical processes and per toms clearance of exhibition materials must be performed soon after the goods arrive So preparations for discharging temporary imports are rather time consuming says Matthias Griemsmann The same applies to compiling documents for customs clearance of returned goods in the EU Transporting the materials at the exhibition centre also turned out to be very demanding Up to twelve forklift drivers were not only in charge of complex material handling from and to the booths They were also involved in possible stand assembly and various vehi cle placements And there was another time challenge for everyone involved in logistics especially during the short dismantling phase The handling of empty packaging materials and their interim storage says Caroline Masche As all of the exhibition halls were fully booked there were no on site storage capacities available in Geneva says the project manager for marketing and sales at Panexpo Empties had to be stored externally All empties and fulls had to be transported from the exhi bition site by curtainsiders During the entire duration of the fair they were taken to rented warehouses and re turned after the event With an empties volume of over 3 500 cubic metres the Panexpo team had no other choice but to work day and night shifts This was the only way to return the over 70 lorry loads to the booths some times having to cope with pre carious space conditions at the exhibition site Huge deadline pressure also made a well conceived time management vital so as not to delay the tight dismantling schedule of the stand construction firms Our additional tasks included providing lifting equipment and lifting devices for stand assembly such as aerial work platforms ar ticulated lifts or pallet jacks lists Caroline Masche Moreover various storage contain ers were required for the interim storage of exhibitor material such as give aways and shop materials www panexpo de PB 89TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 sonnel deployment were organised and coor dinated from a specially rented office at the exhibition centre Panexpo was temporarily represented there by a well coordinated team of four employees from Worpswede The timeframe comprised a four week set up phase and one week dismantling period In addition to the scheduling of physical movements of materials the team had to plan sufficient time reserves for lorry regis tration processes and the necessary customs clearance In Switzerland temporary cus TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS Managers of time and materials The Geneva Motor Show is one of the most important exhibi tions of its sector Once again Worpswede based specialist Panexpo was in the heat of the action PRACTICE Knapp kalkulierter Abbau Das Panexpo Team war zeitweise mit vier eingespielten Mitarbeitern aus Worpswede vertreten Tight dismantling schedule Panexpo was temporarily represented by a well coordinated team of four employees from Worpswede Ph ot o P an ex po
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