Ceva has strengthened its environmental management with ISO certifications Other IELA members have also taken action in this field including Clamageran Expositions Since 2015 the French logistics firm has been operating a sustainability management sys tem that complies with ISO standard 20121 2012 We decided to be certified to improve the well being of our staff says Lu cien Lawson Other reasons include being better able to control costs and environmen tal impacts as well as strengthening relations with organisers The key priorities are a re sponsible purchasing approach optimised waste management and a reduced carbon footprint says the director of Clamageran Expositions We have developed an action plan for implementation This plan includes the further development of services and the enhancement of employees eco driving skills Forklifts emitting fine particles will al so be gradually replaced Lawson cites an example For one part IELA wants to rethink proven business activities For the other it seeks to develop foresight The Swiss trade fair expert Sempex has invented Smartlog a software that digitally maps all event related logistics processes At the same time the lo gistics tool helps all partners involved exe cute their respective tasks more efficiently Cost pressure rising customer demands in dustry digitisation as well as rising aware ness for environmental issues force compa nies to respond to these customer demands observes Sempex managing director Christoph Fritsch Transparency and im proved information availability lead to better planning and a more efficient use of person nel and equipment he explains Conse quently this contributes to protecting the en vironment Vehicle management one of several modules of the software contains a slot booking system All transport to and from the event must be registered in ad vance This reduces waiting times and en sures an optimum allocation of resources In the end this reduces carbon emissions points out Christoph Fritsch Particularly in times of climate change which could influ ence our society more than any other event all parties need to evaluate their contribution to a solution And IELA is committed to leading by ex ample and putting sustainable efforts into its 80 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 N E W S Unlocking human potential at IELA s Congress in Venice 2019 From 23rd to 26th June 2019 the Interna tional Exhibition Logistics Association IELA will meet up in Venice Italy for its Congress and Partnering Event under the theme The Human Factor In the fast moving world of exhibition lo gistics we all wish to be equipped withthe latest technological innovations in or der to simplify daily tasks and above all maximize efficiency We should however take a moment to step back and analyze ex actly how we do our business The world changes rapidly our basic needs as humans not so much A harmonious motivated and experienced team can move mountains when working together for a common goal To unlock human potential in an unpre dictable environment practices that help us both slow down and speed up in ways that complement each other can help shift the paradigm from stress and survival to excite ment and vitality Teamwork and sharing is what it s all about and no machine can re place this component named the Human Factor but it makes the difference IELA has set its goals with values in mind We promote competence passion initiative and commitment hand in hand with courtesy solidarity and respect We believe that the Human Factor strengthens the reputation of our association as its members become pil lars creating solid foundations for a sustain able future The IELA Congress is indeed much more than networking It is a great resource and inspiration for business and collaboration to shape the future of our industry For further information visit our website at www iela org or email to adminiela iela org PRACTICE Die IELA unternimmt bei ihren Veranstaltungen nachhaltige Anstrengungen IELA is putting sustainable efforts into its events Ph ot o IE LA
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